Recent content by Jozsef

  1. J

    Age versus Size of the universe

    Write in a understandable way as you do, even if the issue is complicated.
  2. J

    Mechanics of a missile liftoff

    From a "design" viewpoint, a missile (see: Saturn V) has a very high center of gravity and a very small base. It can therefore be expected that the least disruption of the location of the center of gravity relative to the base, will result in the missile to tilt and fall over, especially in...
  3. J

    Age versus Size of the universe

    this was exactly the "core" of my question. May I read : on different and independent parameters? T Thank you for the suggested reference, but I have no access to the site, I keep trying.Jozsef
  4. J

    Big Bang : Singularity or Singularities?

    Thank you Marcus, this is very clear to me, Jozsef
  5. J

    Age versus Size of the universe

    Are the parameters involved in the calculations to determine the age of the universe completely different from the parameters used to calculate its size? If indeed so, : "thread closed." If on the contrary, one or several parameters have common use, it's like a snake that bites its own tail. Jozsef
  6. J

    Big Bang : Singularity or Singularities?

    The Big Bang is often associated with the concept of a singularity. A singularity is defined as a point in space-time. A common interpretation is that the concept of a point is meant to capture the notion of a unique location in an Euclidean space. This seems to me very misleading in as much...
  7. J

    Gravity at the center of the Earth

    Always welcome with all your questions. To the extent of our current medical knowledge, you will be answered. Jozsef
  8. J

    What happens beyond 13,7 billion light-years?

    Dear Dennis and Martin, I 'am paralyzed ! Never thought this way. Please allow me to sit down for a while for proper digestion. I 'am really astonished, especially since recent popular TV series alike National Geographic and the Discovery Channels - frequently diffusing cosmological series -...