Recent content by Jonbarnes

  1. J

    Can my dining table hold four times its weight before tipping?

    Excellent, and thanks again. If my calculations are correct, it'd take a pretty burly guy right at the edge to make it tip. A couple of more normal physiques could perch a little further in without incident, and I can also fill the rather large leg members with sand to increase the mass of the...
  2. J

    Can my dining table hold four times its weight before tipping?

    Thanks for the reply - given that the pivot point (leg location) is mid-way between the edge of the table and the center of the table, does this mean that a weight the same as the table itself would be sufficient to tip the table, if applied at the outside edge (unlikely in reality, I...
  3. J

    Can my dining table hold four times its weight before tipping?

    Hi - I'm designing a dining table, and am trying to calculate how much weight could be applied at the edge of the table (if someone were to lean or sit on it) before it would tip. If the legs are set in about one quarter of the total width of the top, can the outer edge of the table carry a...