Recent content by Jonathon

  1. Jonathon

    How to Factor Vapor Retarders into Relative Humidity & thus Mold Risk

    Relative humidity can be calculated if you know dewpoint and temperature - by formulae such as the August-Roche-Magnus approximation. All methods - all formulae - ignore vapor resistance (perms). Surely scientists/engineers have a way to then, as a subsequent step, bring vapor retarders into...
  2. Jonathon

    How to factor atmospheric pressure into relative humidity calculations

    Thanks - pressure does matter to some of the other parameters on a psychrometric chart, but not to relative humidity. Cool - that sufficiently answers my question. Thanks.
  3. Jonathon

    How to factor atmospheric pressure into relative humidity calculations

    Thanks. The section on "How much moisture can the air "hold"?" was very interesting (to me). I should perhaps have stated that I know how to calculate relative humidity at sea level. I'm trying to factor atmospheric pressure into that calculation. Although it's possible I missed an indirect...