Recent content by Jonathan Swift

  1. Jonathan Swift

    Does a Torus dynamo actually work? So a wave generator. I don't understand why it is three phase though as I thought it would be producing direct current. Has a four sided permanent magnet linear generator got something to do with it? Sounds like this is a bit more...
  2. Jonathan Swift

    Does a Torus dynamo actually work?

    I wouldn't expect the resistance reading to be large as there isn't much cable athough it is thin. I measured both ends of the insulated cable although this probably included the rest of the circuit (bulb etc.) I measured it with my multimetre on all the different resistance settings from 200 to...
  3. Jonathan Swift

    Does a Torus dynamo actually work?

    Measuring current is a bit tricky with my multi metre. For resistance it gave a reading of between 700ohms (which I think is the more accurate) upto 1 mega ohm. Yes, the voltage did vary and 4 volts was the highest reading. Is there any online calculator or even an equation that can give you...
  4. Jonathan Swift

    Does a Torus dynamo actually work?

    I have bought a shake lamp which works with a similar principle but just in a tube. It generated 4 volts approx. and had a resistance of 700ohms approx...Not sure how accurate my multimetre is though. By my calculation I make that 0.02 watts! Does that sound right? Are there any online...
  5. Jonathan Swift

    Does a Torus dynamo actually work?

    I have made a solenoid shaped tube with enameled wire. About 40cm in length and 20mm in diametre. It produced 0.2volts! Perhaps the tube I used to wrap the wire is too thick? Perhasps I didn't wind the cable neatly enough? Perhaps it just doesn't produce that much power?
  6. Jonathan Swift

    Does a Torus dynamo actually work?

    Many thanks for all your replies. What I had in mind was more like this I remember seeing a video which I think was from the Open University around 10years ago. A guy had built a plastic torus tube with a spherical magnet inside. Then it simply had...
  7. Jonathan Swift

    Does a Torus dynamo actually work? a bit like this
  8. Jonathan Swift

    Does a Torus dynamo actually work?

    Hi all, in short does a Torus shaped generator actually generate any useful power? If so, is there any formula/calculator that can predict its output in watts? I've seen some claims online but I'm skeptical. They are basically like a shake torch with a solenoid mechanism in a torus shaped...