Recent content by jonasrosa

  1. jonasrosa

    B Lifting an Object: Work, Force, and Cosine

    Yes, probably. Didn't think of doing that. Thanks a lot
  2. jonasrosa

    B Lifting an Object: Work, Force, and Cosine

    Ok, now it makes sense. Thanks a lot.
  3. jonasrosa

    B Lifting an Object: Work, Force, and Cosine

    Ok, I think I get it. So, what matters is the angle of the force in relation to the movement? So, if I'm applying vertical force to move something vertically, the angle is 0 and if I apply horizontal force to move something horizontally, the angle is also 0?
  4. jonasrosa

    B Lifting an Object: Work, Force, and Cosine

    I have, but it was over 5 years ago. I am trying to understand what the formula means and why it doesn't apply on this situation or what am I misinterpreting, because once I realized this, it felt very weird
  5. jonasrosa

    B Lifting an Object: Work, Force, and Cosine

    Ok, so, from what I remember ##\theta##? was the angle between the force and the object (meaning the angle at which I'm moving rhe object). So, horizontal movement would be a 0° angle and vertical would be 90°. It's been quite a while since I've studied physics, so I'm very rusty, but I was...
  6. jonasrosa

    B Lifting an Object: Work, Force, and Cosine

    So, from what I remember, W=F*D*cos (θ). If I'm lifting, θ=90° and so, the cos = 0. So is the work just 0? Why? I still moved the object through a distance, which is the usual non-mathematical definition of Work.