Recent content by Jonah765

  1. J

    Looking for some help realting to spring energy changes

    As far as I am aware I have, there are two imgur links in my post, unless you mean something else? :)
  2. J

    Looking for some help realting to spring energy changes

    Homework Statement Equations EPE (elastic potential energy) = 1/2kx^2 GPE (gravitational potential energy) = mgh The Attempt at a Solution my attempt, [/B] I feel like I've made progress considering the quadratic...
  3. J

    Could someone help with this steady state capacitors questio

    Homework Statement Question: Homework Equations Q =VC V = IR The Attempt at a Solution I don't understand how the capacitor C_2 is in parallel with R, which would dictate that they have the same p.d, but then again the circuit is in stead state and so no current...