Recent content by Jomapil

  1. J

    Why Is Learning Maxima So Challenging for Beginners?

    At this moment I'm completely explained. Thank you for your kindness and patience with me. I hope to meet you again. Till the next.
  2. J

    Why Is Learning Maxima So Challenging for Beginners?

    Thank you, Metz114. But now it emerges a doubt. If there are several Ricci Tensor according to the contraction selected, there are several solutions for a problem of GR using Ricci tensor! I thought the selected contraction was a general convention. Good night.
  3. J

    Why Is Learning Maxima So Challenging for Beginners?

    The basics of Maxima are easy to understand and to perform. My problem was those special packages such ctensor and other ones probably that are not well explained ( for me ). But now with the copy of your batch I could practise and understand a little more. But I have a problem that I ask you...
  4. J

    Why Is Learning Maxima So Challenging for Beginners?

    Hello, Mentz114. Your help was very important for me to learn Maxima. I think my error was not to use DEPENDS. I think it was so because I wasn´t be able to obtain Christoffel symbols or Riemann tensor. But in your script you don't use that statement! I don't understand the explanation of the...
  5. J

    Why Is Learning Maxima So Challenging for Beginners?

    Your help, Mentz114, is valuable. The file you sent me is a great help. The manual of Maxima, opposite to other manuals, isn't much explainable with very few examples. Your file will be my initiation to the learning of Maxima. Thank you for your kindness. Till the next.
  6. J

    Why Is Learning Maxima So Challenging for Beginners?

    Thank you, Mentz114 for your answer, but I continue with the doubts. I'm initiating the use of Maxima. I'm going to display a summary to you better understand my problem. csetup(); dimension - 3; diagonal - 1; "enter the 3 diagonal elements" ( spherical coordinates ) display the...
  7. J

    Why Is Learning Maxima So Challenging for Beginners?

    Hello, everyone. Excuse me but I think I should post this question in sub-forum Calculus & Beyond Learning Materials but I can't access to that sub-forum and so... The question is: I began to learn to work with Maxima and I have several doubts. The help of the program is a little...
  8. J

    Tensor Calculus Questions: Christoffel, Riemann & Ricci Tensors

    Thanks for your help. Till the next. Cheers.
  9. J

    Tensor Calculus Questions: Christoffel, Riemann & Ricci Tensors

    Dear Friends I have two questions to do about Tensor Calculus: 1) Is there any program to calculate Christoffel Symbols, Riemann and Ricci Tensors and everything about Tensor Calculus (Free or paid)? 2) When in an exercise anyone asks to use the Euclidean metric or Riemann metric, what...
  10. J

    Exploring Relativity Theory - What is a "One Form"?

    Good evening. haushofer - I studied tensor calculus 35 years ago and I'm reading and exercising at the same time I'm learning Relativity Theory, so I understand your explanation - EVERY covariant tensor is an One-Form. ManyNames - I think I understood your explanation - for example the...
  11. J

    Exploring Relativity Theory - What is a "One Form"?

    Hello, everyone I began do learn Relativity Theory. I don't understand the term " One Forms " that appear in some books. Can anyone tell me what did it mean? The translation to Portuguese doesn't any sense and the explanation of the books is not very explicative for me. Thank you very much.
  12. J

    Seeking Exercises to Accompany Feynman's Lectures on Physics

    Hello, Saunderson. It was of great kindness your answer about my question. Thank you very much. I'm going to use them to accompany my Lectures. Till the next.
  13. J

    Seeking Exercises to Accompany Feynman's Lectures on Physics

    Hello, everyone I began reading Lectures on Physics from Feynman. But there is a problem: Those books haven't exercises. Can anyone tell me a (several) book(s) of exercises solved and proposed (with solutions) to accompany those Lectures step by step? Thank you very much for your help...