Recent content by Jolteon

  1. J

    Limit of Sequence: Convergent, Limit = 1

    Homework Statement Determine if the following sequence in convergent or divergent, and state the limit if it converges. ((4^n)/n)^(1/n) or "The nth root of '4 to the n' over 'n'" Homework Equations lim ___(n)^(1/n) = 1 n->inf The Attempt at a Solution I had this question on a quiz...
  2. J

    Programs Finishing CS degree: How do I *not* get a desk job

    Yes, I would say that I am quite talented in my work compared to those around me. I'm really looking for the best way to implement that though, without being a code monkey, which is why I want to know about my different degree options (MS in CS, just a BS in CS, MBA, MS in another field) that...
  3. J

    Programs Finishing CS degree: How do I *not* get a desk job

    Hello everyone, I'm currently finishing up a BS in computer science, and will most likely stay an extra year to get an MS. My school is heavy on software engineering, and after all of this, I really don't want to spend my life behind a desk writing thousands of lines of code. How can I avoid...