Recent content by johnson123

  1. J

    Singularities & Limit Cycles of C1 Vector Fields on S2

    (1) Show that any C1 vector Field on S2 (the torus) possesses at least one singularity. (2)Show that any isolated periodic orbit T of a C1 planar vector field X is a limit cycle. Any help/suggestions are appreciated.
  2. J

    Essential Supremum Problem: Measurable Positive Functions

    Thanks for the response Dick. If f_{n}=I_{(\frac{n-1}{n},1)}, then \left\|\underline{lim} I_{(\frac{n-1}{n},1)}\right\|_{\infty}= 0 < \underline{lim}\left\|I_{(\frac{n-1}{n},1)}\right\|_{\infty} =1 Please correct me if I am wrong.
  3. J

    Essential Supremum Problem: Measurable Positive Functions

    correction Problem: Show an example of a sequence of measurable positive functions on (0,1) so that \left\|\underline{lim} f_{n}\right\|_{\infty} < \underline{lim}\left\|f_{n}\right\|_{\infty} for n\rightarrow\infty My work: I think its just the indicator function I_{[n,n+1]} Since...
  4. J

    Essential Supremum Problem: Measurable Positive Functions

    Problem: Show an example of a sequence of measurable positive functions on (0,1) so that \left\|\underline{lim} f_{n}\right\| < \underline{lim}\left\|f_{n}\right\| for n\rightarrow\infty My work: I think its just the indicator function I_{[n,n+1]} Since \left\|\underline{lim}...
  5. J

    Can You Prove This Measure Theory Problem?

    triangle inequality for measures. Theorem: \mu ( \left\{ \Sigma f_{n} > \Sigma \epsilon_{n}\right\} ) \leq \Sigma \mu(\left\{ f_{n} > \epsilon_{n} \right\}) Proof: If for all n we have f_{n} \leq \epsilon_{n} then \Sigma f_{n}(x) \leq \Sigma \epsilon_{n} and so \bigcap...
  6. J

    Can You Prove This Measure Theory Problem?

    I agree it is not a simple fact. I did not thoroughly go through that result, I am more interested in seeing the idea(punchline) in the proof you kindly posted.
  7. J

    Can You Prove This Measure Theory Problem?

    After proving the inclusion I get A + \delta/2 < A+\epsilon \Rightarrow \delta/2 < \epsilon From this how can I arrive at a contradiction.
  8. J

    Can You Prove This Measure Theory Problem?

    Problem: f_{n}\rightarrow f in measure, \mu(\left\{f_{n}>h\right\})\leq A Prove that \mu(\left\{f>h\right\})\leq A. My Work: Suppose not, then \mu(\left\{f>h\right\}) > A. From the triangle inequality for measures we get \mu(\left\{f>h\right\}) =...
  9. J

    How can you find the inverse of a polynomial with a nilpotent operator?

    I see that it shows T to be invertible but how does it show that the original polynomial is invertible?
  10. J

    How can you find the inverse of a polynomial with a nilpotent operator?

    Homework Statement If T is a nilpotent transformation from V -> V, V - finite dimensional vector space. show that a_{0}+a_{1}T+\cdots+a_{k}T^{k} is invertible. a_{0} nonzero. Im having trouble finding the inverse, I know for 1+T+\cdots+T^{m-1} the inverse is (1-T),where T^{m}=0. I also...
  11. J

    Algebraic Degree of a & b: F(a,b)=mn

    Homework Statement If a and b are algebraic over F of degree m and n, both relatively prime, then F(a,b)=mn, (i.e. [F(a,b):F]=mn) any comments are helpfull.
  12. J

    Proving Vector Space of F[x]/(g(x)) with Degree n

    Homework Statement Show that F[x]/( g(x) ) is a n-dimensional vector space. where g is in F[x], and g has degree n. Its clear that F[x]/( g(x) ) is a vector space and that B= (1,x^{2},...,x^{n-1}) spans F[x]/( g(x) ), but I am having trouble showing that B is linearly independent...
  13. J

    Proving Vector Space Dimensionality of F[x]/(g(x))

    Homework Statement Show that F[x]/( g(x) ) is a n-dimensional vector space. where g is in F[x], and g has degree n. Its clear that F[x]/( g(x) ) is a vector space and that B= (1,x^{2},...,x^{n-1}) spans F[x]/( g(x) ), but I am having trouble showing that B is linearly independent
  14. J

    Proving Completeness in Complete Measure Spaces

    [SOLVED] complete measure space Homework Statement Assume that (\Omega,\Sigma,\mu) is a complete measure space, let \mu_{e} be the outer measure defined by \mu . Prove that if \mu_{e}(S)=0 \Rightarrow S\in\Sigma . I know that \mu_{e} = \mu when restricted on \Sigma and that if...
  15. J

    Proving D is a Semi-Ring and Identifying \sigma (D) in [0,1]

    Homework Statement Let D be the collection of all finite subsets ( including the empty set) of [0,1]. Prove that D is a semi-ring. What is \sigma(D) ? Define on D: \mu (A)=#A . Prove that \mu is a premeasure and identify \mu_{e} and \Sigma_{mu_{e}} . Is ([0,1],\sigma (D), \mu_{e}) complete...