Recent content by John M

  1. John M

    B What is a Clock? Syncing Technologies Explained

    A layman's answer to the second part of the very first question - 'how do clocks that rely on different technologies stay synchronized?' It depends on the technology utilised to make the clock i.e. a mechanical clock, an electrical clock or an atomic clock. Each device has a built in regulator...
  2. John M

    B Mass and energy from Earth's gravitational field

    Bless you for sticking with me Ibix. The joy of Physics is that there are always questions. After all that have been asked by me, the conclusion is that whilst we know that space/time curvature has a tendency to make us fall towards the centre of the earth, we can't say why.
  3. John M

    B Mass and energy from Earth's gravitational field

    Thank you all for your very comprehensive answers however no one has explained how/why space/time curves when near a mass. Also, surely an object that is subject to no forces remains stationary unless a force is applied. Isn't inertia just a state: i.e. it can be at rest or moving, as long as it...
  4. John M

    B Mass and energy from Earth's gravitational field

    So, on the one hand we are led to believe that gravity is not a force in it's own right and is not attracting us to this planet and now on the other hand spacetime is not a force either and therefore is not pushing us on to this planet. Can you please explain just what is holding us here?
  5. John M

    B Mass and energy from Earth's gravitational field

    We were taught at school that the moon was six times smaller than the earth. This was 50 years ago though.
  6. John M

    B Mass and energy from Earth's gravitational field

    Thank you for those answers. With regard to the volatility at the Earth's core, I was mistakenly referring to the outer core, which is molten. With regard to the 'energy' of warped space I am assuming that if you can warp anything, there must be something there to warp. I have called this...
  7. John M

    B Mass and energy from Earth's gravitational field

    Can someone please tell me how the energy field created by warped space (gravity) and centred at the Earth's core dissipates? Is it the pressure/compression of this force/energy that makes the core so volatile? Whilst time slows at altitude, do we become lighter, as we are further away from...
  8. John M

    B Dark matter and energy creation

    Hi Drakkith Thank you for taking the time and trouble to explain, in part at least, the answer to one of my questions. I am an un-academic of a vintage 61 years, who just has a keen interest in Physics and reading recently has lead me to these questions. Just so that I am clear on what it is...
  9. John M

    B Dark matter and energy creation

    If space is expanding and at the same time speeding up, something must be driving it. It also appears to be self perpetuating, as something cannot continue to expand, speed up and backfill at the same time? Could the driving force be dark matter/energy?