Recent content by Joey21

  1. J

    A The equation of state of non-relativistic energy

    Thanks for the quick replies! They will be a lot of help.
  2. J

    A The equation of state of non-relativistic energy

    I just have a quick question about a concept I think I haven't fully grasped from my cosmology course. Why does non-relativistic energy have an equation of state with w=0? Also, is the concept of pressure different in general relativity than in thermodynamics or statistical mechanics?
  3. J

    QFT: Bogolyiubov transformations and KG inner product

    OK, let me explain. With a the filed being confined to a Dirichlet box I mean the field is constrained to a 1D box with boundary conditions such that the field is 0 at the edges. I managed to calculate the integral, its as simple as using the chain rule when you calculate the derivative. I...
  4. J

    QFT: Bogolyiubov transformations and KG inner product

    Hi, Thanks for the reply. I checked it out, but my problem is slightly different. The field is constrained to a Dirichlet box so I'm not sure it null coordinates are the most convenient for the problem, that's why I was going to try and compute the coefficients via de inner product. I will...
  5. J

    QFT: Bogolyiubov transformations and KG inner product

    (I hope this post goes in this part of the forum) Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me with the following: I have a (1+1) scalar field decomposed into two different sets of modes. One set corresponds to a Minkowski frame in (t,x) coordinates, the other to a Rinder frame in conformal...
  6. J

    Is electric potential always continuous in an electrostatic field?

    Potentials are defined up to an additive constant. This means that there is a certain freedom in the value it takes. What I believe is done is that this constant is defined depending on the system of study, so that it is continous. The reason why we do this is contained in this post...
  7. J

    When do I need to use virtual work in writing the equations of motion?

    I think I can help you, but I don't want to answer without knowing what F sub q stands for just in case I make things worse. Can you specify what it represents please?
  8. J

    Lagrange vs Hamilton: What's the Difference?

    If natural sciences only studied what was neccesary I believe two things would happen: - Things would get boring, - Human knowledge would lose a hell of a load of insight. I reckon if you're going to ask that question, there is one that should go before it: why do...
  9. J

    Classical Mechanics of NonConservative Systems

    I'll have a read and see what I can get out of it. Thanks for the link by the way.
  10. J

    Angular Momentum and Kepler's Second Law

    Exactly. It all cancels out. The form of L's magnitude is in agreement with that angular momentum with respet to a point depends on the particle's perpendicular position with respect to the point. Also, the fact that it is constant is in agreement with the fact that the particle moves with...
  11. J

    Angular Momentum and Kepler's Second Law

    What Voko means is calculate L explicitly. In fact it would do to just calculate the modulus of L With the info you have you can easily calculate this: v is constant in direction and magnitud, you can obtain r vía the pythagoras theorem. All you need is now is the sine of the angle these two...
  12. J

    Ambiguity in second law of thermodynamics

    It is a potential. It's legendre transforms are potentials. It's variation when a system leaves on equilibrium state and takes on another is independent of the path in thermodynamic space. It is, however you look at it, a potential. Now you are right about that. I shouldn't have left...
  13. J

    Ambiguity in second law of thermodynamics

    Classical thermodynamics make no mention of 'disorder'. The second law of thermodynamics is an experimental result, and has two statements (I quote from the notes written by my professor): Clausius' statement:' There can not exist a thermodynamical system whose only effect, if undergoing a...
  14. J

    Will I Learn What I Need in Physics University Courses?

    @physics girl phd Thank you, that was a very inspiring post. I've actually read it about 10 times already :D. @Nabeshin Thaks for the response, it was also quite helping. OK, sorry for the mistakes. I'm sort of a bit too excited about starting university and well, I get out of hand when...
  15. J

    Will I Learn What I Need in Physics University Courses?

    Hello people. This is the first time I'm gping to ask a question on this forum, and I'm not sure If I'm supposed to post it here, if I'm not, I'm very sorry webmaster o moderator :P . But anyway, this September its my turn to start uni, and of course, I've chosen physics. The problem is...