Recent content by joebentley10

  1. joebentley10

    I Applying Euler-Lagrange to (real) Klein-Gordon Lagrangian

    Yep indeed it did work after properly applying the metric. Thank you dextercioby!
  2. joebentley10

    I Applying Euler-Lagrange to (real) Klein-Gordon Lagrangian

    Yes sorry about the 1st. About the 2nd it is used like that in Mandl and my QFT course but I understand that it is confusing. I'd usually use the partial derivatives shorthand, but I wanted it to make sense relative to the screenshot. So in the 3rd. For example if I lower the second derivative...
  3. joebentley10

    I Applying Euler-Lagrange to (real) Klein-Gordon Lagrangian

    I'm currently studying Quantum Field Theory and I have a confusion about some mathematics in page 30 of Mandl's Quantum Field Theory (Wiley 2010). Here is a screenshot of the relevant part: My issue is in...