Recent content by jkoster09

  1. J

    Schools Can't decide on which college to attend

    (bumping in case anyone has further suggestions)
  2. J

    Schools Can't decide on which college to attend

    Will the extra opportunities I'd gain by going to UoA outweigh $70,000 in debt? By the way, thanks to everyone who replied here. I'm really glad I have people like you to help, my counselor isn't the most available person around
  3. J

    Schools Can't decide on which college to attend

    Yes, my father will help me pay whichever I chose, however I want to cost him as little as possible. That is the reason I haven't applied out of state. My parents don't want me moving that far away straight out, as my sister had a hard time when she did the same thing. And what I meant by...
  4. J

    Schools Can't decide on which college to attend

    The problem with that is non-resident tuition, I simply cannot afford it. It is unfortunate that I live in a state that lacks good physics schools but that is a deficit that I have already accepted. Also I won't get scholarships that are offered locally and by the state, because the majority of...
  5. J

    Schools Can't decide on which college to attend

    I've been accepted into two schools, the only ones that are really options for me, and I have received a nasty surprise when scholarships came in. The first school, Arkansas State University, is closer and cheaper. However, as a result I doubt it's curriculum and the opportunities for...
  6. J

    Trying to learn Python; is this book incorrect?
  7. J

    Trying to learn Python; is this book incorrect?

    I bought it at a local bookstore, so it is completely legal. And I recognize that there are many free and probably better online resources, but I have a need for the physical thing that I can't explain. I'll use it to some extent, but I'll almost certainly resort to these online sources soon...
  8. J

    Trying to learn Python; is this book incorrect?

    No, that was my fault. I'm going to stick to sleep depravity as my excuse for that obvious slip up.
  9. J

    Trying to learn Python; is this book incorrect?

    Thanks, that helped me fix it. I didn't even notice that it wasn't the first append that it hung up on, or else I might have fixed it myself. Thank you.
  10. J

    Trying to learn Python; is this book incorrect?

    I had a brief stint with Python a year or two ago, and after I learned of the Raspberry Pi I knew I should try to learn again. I purchased this book, knowing full well that the online resources would be sufficient, and some of the code doesn't seem to work. hello_str = "Hello World"...
  11. J

    How to get a career in physics?

    Yes, I understand that this is all extremely preemptive, but I'd just like something to ease my nerves. I'm pretty sure the different concentrations are labeled, at least in the computer system, as different majors altogether. However, you're right in saying I'd have plenty of time to change...
  12. J

    How to get a career in physics?

    I'm still a senior in high school. The part about concentration is undergraduate, which is what you quoted.
  13. J

    How to get a career in physics?

    To start, what would be required to stand out from other PhD graduates in order to grab jobs in research or in the space industry? I want to do science for a living and I've now come to realize just how competitive that is. So what exactly makes an applicant attractive in this field? I...
  14. J

    Need help setting a career path for the Space industry

    Sorry, I neglected to add that the idea of double majoring in physics and engineering. While the above advice still applies, I'd think that some kind of engineering expertise would be useful in this field. However, if this isn't true I'm not at all worried about it.
  15. J

    Need help setting a career path for the Space industry

    I'm sure this is all something you hear a lot on this message board but I'd like to say it nonetheless. The space industry and astronomy at large are some of the only things I've ever felt passion for. I'd like nothing more than to work in that industry. My current plan is to major in physics...