Recent content by jishitha

  1. J

    Matter vs Radiation: What's the Difference?

    Hi, What is the difference between Matter and Radiation?
  2. J

    Terminal Velocity of rain drops

    Thank you all...:-)
  3. J

    Terminal Velocity of rain drops

    Rain drop having free fall. Am I right..? That is it get accelarated. Means, velocity changing... But. Terminal velocity is a constat velocity. Then how it happens..?
  4. J

    Terminal Velocity of rain drops

    Please, explain the concept of terminal velocity on the help of rain drops... Is there is any retardation when rain falling to the ground.?
  5. J

    Can some one Fully explain reflection for me, because i am reading my

    Best... Wavelets are the second generation of waves coming from the first wave front(primary wave front)... This is according to Huygens wave theory. I think this is the reflection of a plane wave by a plane surface..
  6. J

    Understanding Optical Equivalent Path: Differences and Similarities

    Actually,. What is optical equivalent path.,.? Is this and optical path length are same,.,.,??
  7. J

    Does Relativistic Mass Change at the Speed of Light?

    Hi.. What will be the nature of relativistic mass when a body moves with speed of light..?
  8. J

    Centripetal and centrifugal force

    In circular motion why the centripetal and centrifugal not get cancelling. .?
  9. J

    Do Photons Have Mass? Exploring the Particle

    Photons possesses mass, when it is moving., and rest mass of photon is 0...
  10. J

    Newton's 3rd law: action and reaction

    In circular motion of any vehicles or any other particles, which experiences both centripetal and centrifugal forces... Why these two not cancelling?these are in equal and opposite.
  11. J

    Gamma decay and its energy level

    Gamma decays are e.m.waves ..then how describe gamma decay in terms of energy levels?
  12. J

    What Makes a Current of 0.1 to 0.2 Volts Unique?

    Volt V is the unit of potential. Current means V/R i.e,voltage/resistance.
  13. J

    How Is Newton's F=ma Formula Derived and Understood in Physics?

    From second law of motion, dP/dt propotional to F. i.e,m dV/dt propotional to F. To make this an equation,multiply with a constant. i.e,F=k m dV/dt. Where , k=1, then F=m dV/dt. We know that, dV/dt=a. There fore, F=ma.