Recent content by jiohdi

  1. J

    Is Faster than Light Time Travel Possible?

    anyone who could measure a tachyon as moving faster than light would be measuring a forwards time by definition... otherwise it would not make any sense to say it was faster than light... a major point of relativity theory is the ability to normalize any frame of reference ot any other by means...
  2. J

    Is Time Travel Possible and How Does it Work?

    think of matter/energy as billiard balls upon a table... all the balls in motion... you can take pictures at intervals and make a grid and document where each ball was in each frame... but if you somehow grab one of the balls and place it where it as say a hundred frames ago, how will that...
  3. J

    Is Time Travel Possible and How Does it Work?

    why time travel is impossible: the mass of the universe Ma-z is being left out of any possible equations when it comes to moving along spacetime lines... you may find a way to move your mass Mx to a prior space time coordinate XYZTp however you will not find a way to move the Ma-z to XYZTp...
  4. J

    Is Faster than Light Time Travel Possible?

    FTL travel is still forwards in time not backwards... by definition you are traveling some distance in some forward unit of time. Just because you are outside a light cone does not mean you are traveling backwards in time... one part of the equation that seemingly gets ignored is the mass... if...
  5. J

    News Sicko is probably one of the most disturbing films

    I work for a major insurance company, and not everything is as dark as it is portrayed. many major american corportations are self insured meaning that we, the insurance co. are only handling THEIR money and don't prevent payments to save us anything. We of course try to make sure they don't go...
  6. J

    Medical Are Dreams and Hallucinations Similar from a Neurological Perspective?

    hypnosis seems to create a focus of attention on the result of imagination while giving them the apparent level of energy necessary to be perceived as reality. Many people who are good subjects for hypnosis may be living in a state of mind that is part dream part real most of the time and so...
  7. J

    Medical Are Dreams and Hallucinations Similar from a Neurological Perspective?

    you never actually lose consciousness at any time, but you do lose memory storage and retrival ability... you can be awoken at any time during sleep, for example and while you will not generally remember more than a few fleeting moments of dream or thought, you will sense that you were thinking...
  8. J

    News Is America turning into a Monarchy?

    in the US we have the right hand vs the left hand, but few see they are attached to the same corporate body[s] where all the money and power comes from. Democracy is the people up, the US is the government imposing from the top down and in general the rule by ghosts who's will is difficult to...
  9. J

    Medical Is Time Perception Acceleration a Real Phenomenon?

    there is an interesting caveate[?] to this... after playing a lot of water volley ball, my reflexive reaction time to events is sped up but this seems to be happening outside my conscious awareness, and again I am experiencing what happened after its over...but for this to be so, some part of my...
  10. J

    Medical Is Time Perception Acceleration a Real Phenomenon?

    typical awareness time is about 0.3 seconds after the fact according to many sources... however like a camera, under duress we may snap more frames for storage then normal, in playback this would seem like the events happened in slow motion...and would allow for the ability to see things...
  11. J

    Medical Are Dreams and Hallucinations Similar from a Neurological Perspective?

    a day dream is of lower emotional intensity than an hallucination, but can be tipped into full blown auditory and visual experience, even without getting that far it can make you NOT see what is right in front of you and have to do double takes or ask what did you say? they only differ by...
  12. J

    Is free will compatible with the probabilistic nature of QM?

    the question becomes, what CAUSED you to make the measurement? some DETERMINED force, or some RANDOM one...what else?
  13. J

    Is free will compatible with the probabilistic nature of QM?

    If your actions are DETERMINED they are not free, if RANDOM they are not willed... so the concept of freewill is an oxymoron term from the get go... the only sense that FREEWILL has meaning is in the RELATIVE freedom of agents to act independantly of other agents, not in their internal freedom...
  14. J

    Dictionary Game: Explore the Uniqueness of Words

    this game is a varient of the wikipedia game, though it teaches a strange lesson. use or someother dictionary site and take any word, look up its definition and then look up those definitions until you get back to the original word... what it shows is that words are defined...
  15. J

    What is the process of thinking and finding answers to questions?

    Emotion is a perception like all perceptions, symbolizing something going on. Basically emotions are like warning lights on cars, they signal us, very strongly at times, that something is out of wack and needs to be wacked, or that something that was out of wack has been wacked. The underlying...