Recent content by jinny1

  1. J

    Does the Age of the Universe Need to Factor in Light's Expansion?

    yea..the wavelength of light is stretched...wouldnt that mean we would be able to perceive the light sooner?
  2. J

    Does the Age of the Universe Need to Factor in Light's Expansion?

    its like a 1cm string traveling at c to reach a certrain distance but during the course of its journey the string becomes more liken 100km long.
  3. J

    Does the Age of the Universe Need to Factor in Light's Expansion?

    Age of Universe inaccurate?? Hi. i have a question that could already been nullified. Reading about the CMB it occurred to me that normal light is around 370 - 770 nm in wavelength and a microwave could be upto 30cm long.. That means light has been expanded a million fold?? (not sure) since...