Recent content by Jim cook

  1. J

    Does black hole stop light or time?

    How a black hole works is something nobody has observed or can observe, surely you know this? What we know about how objects such as black holes work is currently only theory based on math, understood laws of physics and conjecture. I'm no Copernicus, I'm not a physicist, but I do like to...
  2. J

    Does black hole stop light or time?

    1. Agreed 2. We agree light is not bent by gravity, the space light travels through is bent by gravity. Space bent by gravity should alter the path of light, not terminate it. I view bent space just as most visual drawings depict, as a depression in space. For light to completely disappear...
  3. J

    Does black hole stop light or time?

    I have been told the speed of light is constant and does not waiver. This would make sense as light has no mass I am aware of. Pictures taken during a solar eclipse seem to prove gravity bends light. Could it be however that the light is not bent, only the time/space light is traveling through...