Recent content by Jilang

  1. Jilang

    I Generalizing the Bell Inequality for Arbitrary Measurement Axes

    Draw a straight line and see where the curve deviates for it the most.
  2. Jilang

    I Do we need a reference frame in Quantum Hilbert space?

    Why would you expect all properities to be entangled?
  3. Jilang

    I Quantum Mechanics: The Debate Over "State

    Hmm, the nose grows to its present condition. Is that not a state preparation?
  4. Jilang

    I Do neutral atom collisions affect the continuous nature of black body radiation?

    I assume by not free you are regarding an electron as belonging to some atom or another. In an interaction it is not so clear cut.
  5. Jilang

    I Disctrete vs continuous spectrum

    If the gas is not a zero kelvin there will be Doppler broadening. So the answer to your first question is in some part yes.
  6. Jilang

    A I'm getting the wrong inner product of Fock space

    Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur by Lancaster and Blundell doesn’t have the 1/2, which is interesting! In that text the factors only appear when calculating the wave-function. So something is wrong with one of them...
  7. Jilang

    A I'm getting the wrong inner product of Fock space

    Great thanks for confirming that. So wouldn’t you need four operators for 2 particles? Two to annihilate the two original states and two to create the new ones?
  8. Jilang

    A I'm getting the wrong inner product of Fock space

    Maybe I’m not understanding your notation, but which operator in your first line annihilates the q state?
  9. Jilang

    A I'm getting the wrong inner product of Fock space

    Isnt it there to avoid double counting?
  10. Jilang

    A I'm getting the wrong inner product of Fock space

    Are you happy where the k! comes from? ( As that seems to be the difference)
  11. Jilang

    I Thought experiment about wave functions

    Isn’t that two electrons confined to the same box?
  12. Jilang

    I Understanding Spin States in Hilbert Space

    You might have less consternation if you considered polarisation. The |H> and |V> states are clearly orthogonal and any other vector might be built from a sum of the two. However with spin the states of up and down states are orthogonal so it’s more tricky to picture.
  13. Jilang

    I Is Bell's Theorem Inconsistent with Quantum Mechanics?

    For me, as I see it, the model breaks down at assumption 5. This assumption is written into agree with experimental results. But it explicitly states that B is a function of gamma. Given that gamma is dependent on the orientation of P1 this implies that B depends on said orientation. This is a...
  14. Jilang

    I Is Bell's Theorem Inconsistent with Quantum Mechanics?

    You state that “It is assumed that a photon can be simultaneously in different p-states depending on the value of a parameter λ and a chosen direction relative to the polarization of the photon. That means some of the photons with polarization α are also in p-state β and thus pass a polarizer...