Recent content by Jex

  1. J

    What is the Difference Between Holomorphic and Analytic Functions?

    Yes, you are the only one that actually makes sense to me, lol. Maybe in a couple of years I can engage in the rest of this discussion but for right now your explanation is completely fine with me. It's directly to the point and above all, clear and easy to follow. Thanks again.
  2. J

    What is the Difference Between Holomorphic and Analytic Functions?

    I know you might be curious about "holomorphic" and what not but don't you think we are taking this beside the point? :smile: Some of us reading this are not that advanced in mathematics to even understand what some of you are saying. Which is not a bad thing at all, I will get there...
  3. J

    What is the Difference Between Holomorphic and Analytic Functions?

    Okay I have that a function is analytic at point a if it can be represented by a power series in x-a with a positive radius of convergence. Does anyone else have a better way of putting this? Thanks
  4. J

    How to Derive the Reduced Mass Formula for Inertia between Two Atoms?

    Does anyone know how to actually derive the reduced mass formula? I have to prove the formula: inertia = (reduced mass)r^2 and am having some difficulties. To be more specific I'm working with the inertia between to atoms where r is the bond length. Any help with this is much...