Recent content by JesseC

  1. J

    Wavenumber Units: Standard or Free-for-All?

    Hi there, quick question about units. I know wavenumber can be defined as 1/λ or 2π/λ, the latter sometimes being termed 'angular' wavenumber. Is there an agreed upon way of distinguishing between these two definitions when displaying units on, for example, a graph or paper? I've seen...
  2. J

    News How far should the Dragnet reach.

    Sorry for posting the article. Either I didn't read it correctly or it was edited again after I originally read it. Had I not seen the facts, which are often not available anyway, I would have considered it a totally believable story. I think everyone else I knew would have as well. Many people...
  3. J

    News How far should the Dragnet reach.

    False positives: The system is not infallible.
  4. J

    News How far should the Dragnet reach.

    Do we trust agencies to act responsibly and ethically when conducting covert surveillance? I don't. In the UK uncover police have had sexual relations with, and even fathered children with some of the people they were conducting surveillance against...
  5. J

    Scientific knowledge dependency graph

    Isn't this basically what a citation web is? I think some websites can generate them (Web of knowledge?) linking a paper to all those it cites and all that cited it. If you took the links far enough I can imagine that you'd eventually get Pythagorus or something. As other posters have pointed...
  6. J

    Is This Earth From Space Documentary Worth Watching?

    I didn't say it was about AGW, I said it supported it. If you watch from 1hr 46min to 1hr 52min it does support AGW explicitly. But this is all beside the point, great imagery and generally very good explanations for the global circulation patterns and explanations of the 'earth system'.
  7. J

    Is This Earth From Space Documentary Worth Watching?

    I was surprised to see that this documentry was in part funded by the David H. Koch foundation. Wonder if he knows that his money is being used to fund programs that support anthropogenic global warming. Apart from that, very enjoyable.
  8. J

    What draws you to the earth sciences?

    It happened partly by choice and partly by chance. I did a geophysics REU at another university (chance) and then when I went back, took the only available courses to me at the time from the Earth science deptartment (choice). They were atmospheric physics, planetary science and fluid dynamics...
  9. J

    What draws you to the earth sciences?

    I initially chose to study the atmosphere, oceans and climate partly because of my own curiosity and partly because of their relevence to our every day lives. It has turned out to be much more interesting than I could have anticipated. I now look at mundane phenomena like clouds, rain, trees and...
  10. J

    Nuclear explosion size required to create a Shattered Horzion scenario

    Suppose 5% of the moons mass is now moving away from the moon at its escape velocity (2.4km/s according to wikipedia). That 5% has a mass of, very roughly, 10^21 kg. So the kinetic energy of that mass is of order 10^27 Joules. That is, very roughly, 10^12 megatons. The error on this calculation...
  11. J

    Privacy and Government Surveillance: Are We Willing to Sacrifice Our Rights?

    The whistleblower went public: He appears sincere and therefore IMO incredibly brave.
  12. J

    News Is the Woolwich Attack a Reflection of Broader Terrorist Ideologies?

    25%? Think you got something mixed up there or I've misunderstood what you've written. England and Wales is def. not 25% Muslim.
  13. J

    News Is the Woolwich Attack a Reflection of Broader Terrorist Ideologies?

    The perpetrators don't flee the scene, they want attention! The media will give it to them. I wouldn't be surprised if such explicit, round the clock reporting of events like these doesn't increase the likelihood of them occurring again.
  14. J

    Nightly Cloud Cover Prediction

    Usually safe ;)
  15. J

    Nightly Cloud Cover Prediction

    How far in advance do you want to know the cloud cover? If it is a matter of hours then it is usually safe to assume that the weather conditions now will be the same as in the future. There exist several techniques to forecast temperatures for a day or two into the future based on local...