Recent content by Jerry Walz

  1. J

    Exploring Centripetal Force and Energy Recovery in Space | Jerry Ray Walz Jr."

    Ya so using a small amount of energy to change a vector by doing some pretty darn good pre-planning, and combing that by drawing energy from the environment. They made it sound like way too easy. They made sound like a ship could just go anywhere it wanted to. Fake news!
  2. J

    Exploring Centripetal Force and Energy Recovery in Space | Jerry Ray Walz Jr."

    Never mind what I just said. I was supposed to by default recognize that we are actually talking about Vectors here. An object in motion tends to stay in that motion (Vector). So I see what you mean by the continuous need to burn fuel to make a turn which would require giving up the...
  3. J

    Exploring Centripetal Force and Energy Recovery in Space | Jerry Ray Walz Jr."

    Ya I was just watching a video on the conservation of energy yesterday of some guy in space throwing two tennis balls at each other with velcro on them. So the Conservation of Energy are the three laws of mass, velocity, and time. definition the principle that in a system that...
  4. J

    Exploring Centripetal Force and Energy Recovery in Space | Jerry Ray Walz Jr."

    Thanks for your post Russ. Ya I meant Centripetal force. I wanted to spell it centrifical, but that was't a word either. I guess I'm just getting a spelling lesson today. So that may make a difference in some of your analysis of what I wrote. Yes, the ship would have to burn at about 135...
  5. J

    Exploring Centripetal Force and Energy Recovery in Space | Jerry Ray Walz Jr."

    This is supposed to be: Centripetal Force, not Centrifugal. This post is heavily edited. This post actually originated from me thinking about designing a space game, and the first thing that I think about when it comes to games and movies, is how unrealistic they are. So it may be quite...