Recent content by jenst

  1. J

    Connection between particles a field in string theory

    Thank you. That was just what I was looking for!
  2. J

    Connection between particles a field in string theory

    Im a trying to understand how the string entity relates to its underlying field. Is the field a brane and the string the partice?
  3. J

    Destruction of our universe through collision with parallel

    The parallel universe theory is the only thing that can explain why our part of the universe is so finely tuned as to allow intelligent life to exist even though there is no direct evidence. According to recent speculation gravity can be felt between membranes and therefore large masses from...
  4. J

    The Mysterious Aether: Maxwell's Equations and the XYZ Axes

    I've never understood how the aether was dispensed with. It is said that Maxwell's equations don't require it. If that is the case, then where do the x, y and z axes come from if not from an aether.