Recent content by Jenny short

  1. J

    I Can the Complex Integral Problem Be Solved Using Residue Theorem?

    I have this problem with a complex integral and I'm having a lot of difficulty solving it: Show that for R and U both greater than 2a, \exists C > 0, independent of R,U,k and a, such that $$\int_{L_{-R,U}\cup L_{R,U}} \lvert f(z)\rvert\,\lvert dz\rvert \leqslant \frac{C}{kR}.$$ Where a > 0, k...
  2. J

    I Problem with this estimation lemma example

    I've done that, but I'm suck on what to do after that
  3. J

    I Problem with this estimation lemma example

    I have been trying to show that $$\lim_{U\rightarrow\infty}\int_C \frac{ze^{ikz}}{z^2+a^2}dz = 0 $$ Where $$R>2a$$ and $$k>0$$ And C is the curve, defined by $$C = {x+iU | -R\le x\le R}$$ I have tried by using the fact that $$|\int_C \frac{ze^{ikz}}{z^2+a^2}dz| \le\int_C...