Recent content by Jennanana

  1. J

    How to Salvage my Academic Career?

    Through any sort of "job postings," I can't name even one posting--be it for an actual employee position, internship, anything--that did NOT specify a minimum GPA, or ask for a transcript, or some combo of these. Where are people looking for these places that don't nit-pick past the fact that I...
  2. J

    How to Salvage my Academic Career?

    @Delong How did you go about finding that? Everywhere I've heard of wants undergrads
  3. J

    How to Salvage my Academic Career?

    @jedishrfu I'm about 35% through that book Dr. Courtney recommended and it's really a smack in the face for how I've always approached job hunting. With what it says in there and the stuff y'all have said here, I have an idea of what I need to do, but it's a lot of info. I'm working on getting...
  4. J

    How to Salvage my Academic Career?

    Possibly. It's an uncertainty I'm not really sure I'd like to gamble on with nothing to fall back on
  5. J

    How to Salvage my Academic Career?

    @Dr.D Yeah I suppose but any time I've searched for a job taking advantage of that "skill," they need someone who is so fluent they're basically native. I'm not confident I'm that good. Once again, who knows, maybe I'm just not looking in the right places @Crek That implosion couldn't happen...
  6. J

    How to Salvage my Academic Career?

    @Dishsoap Yes, that's pretty much the ideal plan right now is to work for a then further my education if I feel I need to. It's that first step that's been the problem lately :-p @Student100 Insightful, you are! You're on the correct page. Now imagine a college junior with no prior issues...
  7. J

    How to Salvage my Academic Career?

    @russ_watters Outside of getting my personal life straightened out, I was okay with the status quo at the time. I was far too preoccupied with those other matters. I was making just enough to make my payments, and had a place to stay. Several months ago, I budgeted out a year ahead and realized...
  8. J

    How to Salvage my Academic Career?

    @Dishsoap Well of course I am aware I can't take classes right now. I don't have the money to, lol. But returning to school to fix this mess seems to be my best bet when it becomes financially feasible. The struggle now is just getting to that point at all.. As far as finding better-paying jobs...
  9. J

    Anyone considering a career as a patent attorney?

    Apologies for not contributing to the topic, but is it bad that when I read the title of this thread, I thought a joke was being made about Albert Einstein?
  10. J

    How to Salvage my Academic Career?

    I'm not sure how to best put this, but I'm in what seems like an almost un-fixable predicament. I graduated in 2015 with two degrees, one of which is a B.S. in Physics with a minor in Astronomy, the other a B.A. in Russian Langauge (did that one not really for career prospects but because I...