Recent content by Jeff Chen

  1. J

    A Edge state question for a 2-D material and the quantum Hall effect

    I have read some materials about quantum hall effect and know that at the edge of a 2D material , one can linearize the potential V and the linear dispersion relation represents right/left moving fermion. So , Can I say that for a given hamiltonian , if I can linearizae it at edge, then this...
  2. J

    A Mean field theory in the Heisenberg model

    I have a problem about Heisenberg model.When applying mean field approximation,why does the average of spin flip terms be zero(<S+>=<S-> = 0 )? Thanks
  3. J

    A Studying Green's function in many body physics

    Hi,everyone. Recently, I am studying green's function in many body physics and suffer from trouble.Following are my problems. (1) What is the origin of the definition of green's function in many body physics? (2) What is the physical meaning of self energy ? It seems like it is the correction...
  4. J

    A Graphene Spin Relaxation: Getting Started

    Recently, I want to study spin relaxation in graphene, but I don't know how to get start. Can anyone tell me which papers should I read for beginning so that I can have a deeper insight in it theorically and experimentally ?
  5. J

    I Some questions about electrons and the Fermi energy

    Hello ,evreyone.I have two questions about fermi energy. 1,Can I claim that 'fermi energy ' play the role of chemical potential? 2,I have learned from thermal physics that only electrons near fermi level can conduct in metals.How can electrons behave like this? I can't figure out why only...
  6. J

    I Is the Smallest Eigenvalue Always the Ground State Energy?

    If I diagonalize the hamiltonian matrix ,I can get the eigenvalues , does the smallest eigenvalue always be the ground state energy?
  7. J

    Get Started: Exploring the Three Main Sections of Physics Forums

    My name is Jeff Chen , I'm an undergraduate student in tsing-hua university . Hope I can learn a lot from everyone in Physics Forums ,thanks!