Recent content by jebjed

  1. J

    Looking for 8.01X problem sets - Can anyone help?

    yes however the assignments more often than not refer to the book used in the lectures. i was wondering if their was perhaps some free problems i could work through.
  2. J

    Looking for 8.01X problem sets - Can anyone help?

    Hello everyone, i am currently bedridden and bored out of my mind , thus i have started to watch all of the Walter Lewin lectures that were removed from MIT's OCW(on youtube). Right now I'm doing 8.01X, the lectures are truly fascinating however all of the course work comes from a textbook that...
  3. J

    What are some tips for self-study in physics?

    i have recently finished first year college level physics so ill likely be starting from zero again just to have a really solid understanding of the foundations , in terms of math i likely will not be starting from zero given I am at calc iii and i feel no need to go back into learning limits...
  4. J

    What are some tips for self-study in physics?

    Hey, I am a new user here hoping to be as active as possible over the course of the next few months. For various circumstances i will be having a lot of free time for the next few months and I plan to use this time to familiarize my self and learn as much physics as i can physically and mentally...