Recent content by JC92

  1. J

    Career in Programming vs. Networking

    Yea, I wish I would have had a better choice of classes to take for programming. The only class that I have been able to take is Visual Basic, but our teacher for the class was in the Air Force reserve or w/e and got called back on duty at the beginning of the year. Essentially the entire year...
  2. J

    Career in Programming vs. Networking

    Well keep in mind that I'm still in high school, and I've never gone about teaching myself something as big as an entire programming language. I'm sure once I find a project to work towards and get that first language down pact I'll be immersed in the subject enough to where learning new ones...
  3. J

    Career in Programming vs. Networking

    Thanks for the responses so far. Programming definitely sounds more interesting on a whole. The only problem is that I've never really had the motivation to teach myself a language. I was going to take the C++ class we have here at my high school this year, but sadly not enough people signed up...
  4. J

    Career in Programming vs. Networking

    Ok, so apart from my desire to become a Physicist or Engineer I've also considered going into a more computer related career in either networking or programming. Yea, let's face it I haven't really been able to decide. One way or the other I'd like to be prepared or at least know what I'm...
  5. J

    Schools Scholarships After Already Starting College

    How hard exactly? I mean I plan on having as close to straight A's as possible. And a very high GPA. Are they hard to get even with that? I'll also be getting the Pell Grant, and I remember seeing a few scholarships from a college I'm considering that required you to be getting the Pell Grant.
  6. J

    Schools Scholarships After Already Starting College

    I just have a few quick questions about getting scholarships after one has already gone through the first year or so of college. My mediocre GPA from high school, a result of slacking, prevents me from getting a lot of scholarships right out of high school. I'm completely fine with using student...
  7. J

    Unsure About My Abilities in Math

    Thanks for the responses so far. I made an overall 23 on my ACT, but I haven't taken my SAT tests. I also can't remember exactly what I made on the math section of the ACT (I seem to have lost the paper), but I know it wasn't my highest. Probably in the low 20's or high teens. But keep in mind I...
  8. J

    Unsure About My Abilities in Math

    Ok, I'm going to try and make this short. I'm currently a senior in high school and I'm insecure about my abilities thus far in math. Basically my previous math teachers were, in my opinion, not the best. I was stuck in an all senior class for Algebra I, II, and Geometry; in which the teachers...
  9. J

    Physics Junior in High School seeking guidance for future career in Physics

    Thank you for the post. I will look into the books you suggested.
  10. J

    Physics Junior in High School seeking guidance for future career in Physics

    Hi, I am new to this forum, but I have read plenty of posts and have found it very useful so I decided to go ahead and post my question. I am a 17 year old junior in high school right now and I have recently become very passionate about Physics. I decided that I want to seek a career in...