Recent content by Jbunn

  1. J

    Energy expended during magnetic levitation?

    Is this like a yogi that can levitate by standing on one leg, then folding up the other one? He does not move. When you say movement, how does that apply? to my question?
  2. J

    Energy expended during magnetic levitation?

    Two magnets, like poles facing, will "levitate". And they seem happy to do that forever. In common experience, it takes energy to jump, an airplane to generate thrust to convert to lift, or a helicopter to hover. "Hovering" for the local TV newscopter, or a SpaceX rocket is an energy...
  3. J

    News Do You Know Why Trump is Popular?

    What you're saying does not make sense. "Trump does very well with those who haven't been to college, but he also leads with those who've some college, and with those who have a college degree or more." The chart is not showing absolute numbers. It's showing percentages. Take a sample of one...
  4. J

    News Do You Know Why Trump is Popular?

    Russ, Actually, no. While the number may declining, they vote in larger numbers, and have been effectively mobilized by the Republican party beginning with the Moral Majority era. As one of the posters pointed out, when a sizable fraction of the people believe there is a secret invisible man...
  5. J

    News Do You Know Why Trump is Popular?

    Student, Do you not accept that saying "But among those with a college degree or more, Trump’s lead is much smaller." and "support for Trump is the strongest among less educated Republicans" is saying the same thing? Both statements note the inverse correlation between education and support for...
  6. J

    News Do You Know Why Trump is Popular?

    Yes, but you should learn to look things up. Regardless, here's one.
  7. J

    News Do You Know Why Trump is Popular?

    Student100, When you look at the demographics of Republican support for Trump, he is the strongest among lower income Republicans, and less educated Republicans. As education level goes up, support shifts from Trump to other Republican candidates. My personal opinion is that more educated...
  8. J

    News Do You Know Why Trump is Popular?

    Lisab To answer your question, Many Trump supporters don't have good critical thinking skills. For example, "build a wall" separating Mexico from the US. Rational people might ask; "How do most immigrants arrive? Via a visa, or sneaking in?", "How long is the border? How much wall have we...
  9. J

    Best Material to conduct thermal heat from water at 50 degrees celsius

    Lucster, You want a separate material for heat exchange pipes and insulating pipes. The pipes inside your heat source, and your heat delivery location should conduct. Passing through unheated space, your pipes should insulate. This implies different materials. Ultimately though economics...