Recent content by JBash

  1. J

    Life on Europa? Complex or Simple?

    With the protection of the ice sheet(from Jupiter's gama rays), possibly geo-thermal vents on its ocean floor, does anybody think we will find life in the oceans of Europa? If so, complex or simple?
  2. J

    Do All Spiral Galaxies Rotate in the Same Direction from Earth's Perspective?

    Thank You Chronos, K-86 and Space Tiger but... This leads me to a more focused and possibly silly question... Can a Spiral galaxy have a Top and a bottom- Top being the face of the super massive black hole'e opening meaning the bottom is the opposite side? If so, do sprials rotate based on...
  3. J

    Do All Spiral Galaxies Rotate in the Same Direction from Earth's Perspective?

    Obivously, the direction of the rotation of a Spiral Galaxy depends on the vantage point from which you look at it. From Earth, do all Spiral Galaxies rotate in the same direction? Or, because the universe is so vast, the rotation direction is irrelevant and has morre to do with prior collisions?
  4. J

    What keeps the planets in their consistant orbit?

    Understood but... ...the model you gave me works in a circular orbit. What about an elliptical orbit like Pluto? Why then is the Moon slowly leaving us? Since its creation, why hasn't it reached a point along the way where it is balanced or almost balanced (centrifugal force v...
  5. J

    What keeps the planets in their consistant orbit?

    Even the Moon is moving away from the Earth each year by approximately 1 inch. What keeps the planets in their alignment? Why aren't they either being drawn into the Sun or pushed away(like our moon to Earth)?
  6. J

    What force is stronger, Gravity or Magnetism?

    Thank you both for your kind responses... This leads me to another question? When BH's "feed" sometimes they will shoot (jet) matter outward- in opposite the direction (where I have learn almost as fast as the speed of light) does this have anything to do with Magnetism? While a BH's...
  7. J

    What force is stronger, Gravity or Magnetism?

    What force is stronger, Gravity or Magnetism? I know that magnetism in general is stronger here on Earth but what about by the event horizon of a super massive black hole?
  8. J

    No Dark Energy? New Puzzling Discovery

    Thanks for that interesting analogy, Chronos In your analogy, is air in the balloon is dark matter? And if so, would that also make it it's own dimension, meaning that if would be faster to get to the exact opposite side (surface of the balloon) by going through the balloon then around it on...
  9. J

    No Dark Energy? New Puzzling Discovery

    Local Charter Member of the Crackpot Brotherhood Anybody ask for a crackpot? are my qualifications: No formal educational background in physics, cosmology, etc. Logged hundreds of hours watching the Science Discovery channel. I have nothing silly like science preventing me from my off...
  10. J

    Unraveling the Mystery of "Seed Universes"

    Okay now stay with me here, because I'm a moron who is trying to explain something that is obviously way over my head. Let's look at what's going on the singularity side of the black hole. What would trigger an explosion? Maybe, it's not even really an explosion in the sense that we think...
  11. J

    Unraveling the Mystery of "Seed Universes"

    My Seed Theory? Please help... This is what I came up with on my own and I was wondering if there is already a thought process or theory on this. Singularities formed by black holes are the "seeds" for new universes. The matter needed for new universes is created from the matter...