Recent content by jb646

  1. J

    Motivation for 2-slit interference pattern

    Homework Statement Using the eigenstates of x_op, show that the probability of finding a system described by a wavefunction Psi(x) at a position between a and a+da is given by lY(a)l^2da. Comment on a connection to initial motivation for a wave function from 2-slit interference pattern...
  2. J

    Finding wave wquations for photons

    Homework Statement Use the relativistic expression for energy E^2=p^2c^2+(m_0)^2(c)^4 to find a wave equations for photons. Find a solution for ψ and compare to the electric field (hint: photons are massless, E_op=ih(d/dt) and p_op=h/i(d/dx) Homework Equations the only equations i know...
  3. J

    Show that a complex PE yields a time dependant probability of finding a particle

    Homework Statement Starting from Schrodinger's Equation show that a complex potential energy V=α+iβ yields a time dependent probability P of finding the particle in (-inf,inf), i.e. the particle is unstable and normalization cannot be insured over time. Compute P(+) Homework Equations...
  4. J

    Complex conjugate of the expectation value of momentum

    Homework Statement Compute the complex conjugate of <p> using eq 1.35 (<p>=∫ψ*(h/i)∂/∂x ψ dx) and prove that <p> is real (<p>=<p>*) Homework Equations equation 1.35 is given above The Attempt at a Solution to take the c.c. don't i just add a minus to the i and switch the stars like...
  5. J

    Rotational earth motion I am extremely close to what the answer is supposed to be

    hey thanks a lot, that really helped out, I have it now.
  6. J

    Gravity at different locations on earth (poles and equator)

    Thanks guys! now here's a tricky one, how do I mark this thread as solved?
  7. J

    Gravity at different locations on earth (poles and equator)

    I solved it using the equation for centripetal acceleration a=v^2/r where v=2Pi*r/T and got an acceleration of roughly 34 mm/s^2. he states that 52 is the actual amount so am i correct in assuming that I have done everything correct up to this point and the difference is due to the fact that...
  8. J

    Gravity at different locations on earth (poles and equator)

    So how does that affect my equations knowing that the Earth is rotating... I'm really lost on what to do here
  9. J

    Rotational earth motion I am extremely close to what the answer is supposed to be

    Homework Statement If a particle is projected vertically upward to a height h above the Earth's surface at a northern latitude θ, show that it strikes the ground at a point 4/3*ωcosθ*sqrt(8h^3/g) to the west. (Neglect air resistance and consider only small vertical heights.) my initial...
  10. J

    Gravity at different locations on earth (poles and equator)

    Homework Statement Determine how much greater the gravitational field strength, g, is at the pole than at the equator. Assume a spherical Earth. If the actual measured difference is Δg = 52 mm/s2, explain the difference. Homework Equations g=G*m1*m2/r^2 The Attempt at a Solution...
  11. J

    Electric field for a plane wave in free space

    This isn't really a homework problem, I just need to know how to do a problem similar to this one for the final and I don't want to fail, so I posted it here. The problem is: Given the electric field for a plane wave in free space: E(r,t)=E1cos(wt-ky)k a)what is the statement for w and ka...
  12. J

    Applying amperes law and faradays law to a solenoid and energy density

    This isn't really a homework problem, I just need to know how to do a problem similar to this one for the final and I don't want to fail, so I posted it here. A solenoid with n turns per unit length, length l and radius a (l>>a) has a current I(t)==Io sin(wt) [w is omega], where I and w are...