Recent content by jayromano

  1. jayromano

    B Hypothetical Gravity Question #2

    Yes, that's it, I'm only 300 years too late :|
  2. jayromano

    B Hypothetical Gravity Question #2

    Thanks for the reply anuttarasammyak, To take this problem a little further, let’s add in the imbalance of the earth’s spherical mass (i.e. mountain ranges, below sea areas) and the gravitational forces of other planetary bodies. Now we have small forces influencing our human free-falling in...
  3. jayromano

    B Gravity Inside a Hollow Sphere

    Thanks for the reply Nugatory, My thinking was that if you are in the sphere, then you will have mass all around you generating an outward force vector, essentially pulling you away from the center of the sphere. However, because the mass around you is relatively balanced in all directions...
  4. jayromano

    B Gravity Inside a Hollow Sphere

    If you can spare the time to explain using calculus I would be very grateful! But I cannot guarantee I'll understand :)
  5. jayromano

    B Hypothetical Gravity Question #2

    Hello all, My second hypothetical question for the day (and last). Suppose you drilled a hole from the surface of the earth, through the Earth's core, and out the other side. The sides of the hole are reinforced preventing any of the hot stuff from escaping the Earth's core, in fact this hole...
  6. jayromano

    B Gravity Inside a Hollow Sphere

    Hello all, Suppose you created a 20x20 foot hollow sphere at the most central point of the earth’s core. This sphere is protected from the heat and oxygenated, in fact it’s a perfect 22 degree C inhabitable environment for a human. What kind of gravitational forces would one experience in this...