Recent content by jaykob_hxc

  1. J

    Error analysis of acousto-optic effect

    Homework Statement Hey guys, I have recently done an experiment in regards to the acousto-optic effect (which in itself is freaking amazing!). And i need to do an error analysis for my value of the phase velocity. I believe i have made a mistake but i can't find it anywhere. Firstly i have...
  2. J

    How Do You Convert Pixel Number to Wavelength in a CCD Spectrum Analysis?

    thanks for your help cepheid! :) my lecturer also put this up for anyone who reads this who was also stuck on a simillar question... If you do a plot of intensity vs pixel number (from the text file for the spectral profile that you produced in IRIS), you should see three main peaks...
  3. J

    How Do You Convert Pixel Number to Wavelength in a CCD Spectrum Analysis?

    Hey Guys, i'm a first year astrophysics student and i got given this question to answer in a practical report: Examine the spectrum of the planetary nebula derived from the diffraction grating. You will produce a colour rendering of the spectrum together with a graphical representation of...