Recent content by Jay Addy

  1. Jay Addy

    How does kinetic friction occur between two moving bodies?

    I think what you're trying to say is: Is friction always dependent of surface area? To answer that question: No. Not that I am aware of. A larger contact area between two objects will create a larger source for the frictional force, however, given a larger surface area, the pressure between the...
  2. Jay Addy

    I What happens to the stuff that enters a black hole?

    Agreed. The whole concept seems impossible/far fetched. Who knows, maybe we'll figure something out? I guess we're back where we started. a) We don't know any way for smaller mass holes to form (?) b) We may not live long enough to experience the "collapse" of a stellar mass black hole. Jay.
  3. Jay Addy

    I What happens to the stuff that enters a black hole?

    Meaning: We may never find out?
  4. Jay Addy

    I What happens to the stuff that enters a black hole?

    What I meant by "connected" black holes, was actually "entangled" black holes. What I should've wrote earlier: is it possible that two entangled black holes might be the entrance/exit of a wormhole? Jay.
  5. Jay Addy

    I What happens to the stuff that enters a black hole?

    Okay. With that being said, is it possible that two connected black holes might be the entrance/exit of a wormhole? If not, do they ever disappear?
  6. Jay Addy

    I What happens to the stuff that enters a black hole?

    I've read some articles about Hawking radiation, The holographic principle and obviously I'm well aware of the law of conservation of energy. Is there any research up to date that points toward a possible answer? Is Hawking radiation really a thing? Is it possible for matter/anything to actually...
  7. Jay Addy

    Why do objects fall at the same speed in free fall?

    Thank you for breaking down a large amount of information into something as easily readable and understandable as what you just wrote. Well done. You gave me a better understanding of the subject at hand for sure :-). Jay.
  8. Jay Addy

    Why do objects fall at the same speed in free fall?

    While this might be true, this answer is not really what I was looking for when I posted my question. If you neglect the fact that the two test objects are from earth, would they fall at the same way? They would initially, but if m2 is significantly large (close to Earth's mass) then it will...
  9. Jay Addy

    How does kinetic friction occur between two moving bodies?

    I misunderstood your question and got it all wrong, I'm sorry. Both the drag and the friction between the two blocks will be responsible for moving the bottom block (if a force is applied to the top) or vice versa. On the example above with the book and table, the drag and friction between the...
  10. Jay Addy

    Why do objects fall at the same speed in free fall?

    Okay. Thank you!
  11. Jay Addy

    How does kinetic friction occur between two moving bodies?

    The friction itself is always opposed to relative motion. The force that pulls on the object is creating the acceleration. The friction is working against the relative motion, which you achieve by applying a said force "x" to block B. The reason why block A might move in this scenario, is...
  12. Jay Addy

    How does kinetic friction occur between two moving bodies?

    Friction always acts to oppose any relative motion between surfaces.
  13. Jay Addy

    Why do objects fall at the same speed in free fall?

    But if m2 (the ball in the previous examples) has a mass almost identical to that of the planet the two objects "fall" closer towards, wouldn't m2 create a greater pull on the planet, thus colliding with it before the feather m1 will. Therefore, although the accelerations m1 and m2 experience...
  14. Jay Addy

    Why do objects fall at the same speed in free fall?

    Great article. I read all of it :). To the previous posts: Context is obviously very important ;-).