Recent content by javii

  1. javii

    Calculate the angular velocity of the milk carton

    I see, it is a mistake by me. Its just the height. Thanks
  2. javii

    Calculate the angular velocity of the milk carton

    I_p= 1/12M(l^2+a^2)+M+d^2 I_p=1/12M*l^2+1/12*a^2+M+d^2 ?
  3. javii

    Calculate the angular velocity of the milk carton

    For me, it is obvious that I have to divide 0.195 with 2, but I am not sure if 0.07 also have to be divided with 2 since the carton is skewed. So your are saying, that I also have to divide 0.07 with 2?
  4. javii

    Calculate how many revolutions the flywheel turns

    Homework Statement [/B] Homework Equations I have calculated the kinetic energy and the total moment of inertia. The Attempt at a Solution I really don't know how to solve the problem...
  5. javii

    Calculate the angular velocity of the milk carton

    So, the formula i have to use is: 1/3*m*(b^2+l^2)? and when i use that one i get which leads me to: so the angular velocity is 9.15 rad/s ?
  6. javii

    Calculate the angular velocity of the milk carton

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Is it correct?
  7. javii

    Calculate the maximum acceleration of a milk carton

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ∑Mb = m*a*d The Attempt at a Solution Using the formula below i get: m*g*cos(0)*(0.07/2)-m*g*sin(0)*(195/2)=m*a*h And I get 3.52 m/s^2 Is it correct?
  8. javii

    Simplify Equation: Get Help Now!

    Will it then be: x1= y_1 = x_2 = y_2 = so: = in cartesian I get = 1.7134 +j1.7134 I really hope this is correct.
  9. javii

    Simplify Equation: Get Help Now!

    First of all, thank you for your feedback. I know that I am not done, as you say I need to find the answer in Cartesian form in Denmark (a+jb), that is why I am asking if i have to use the formula: which I am confirmed that I have to. And I can see, what you mean with the equal sign. Thank you.
  10. javii

    Simplify Equation: Get Help Now!

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution The way i have simplified it: I do not know it is the way to do it. But if so, now I need to give the answer in cartesian form, and I think I need to use the formula: meaning it will look like: Anyone who can tell me if I am on the right...
  11. javii

    Finding the polar form of a complex number

    Yes, that was what I meant. my bad its equal 25, meaning r = 5. I will try to read about atan2, to be honest I didn't knew about it. Thank you
  12. javii

    Finding the polar form of a complex number

    Homework Statement Homework Equations r=sqrt(a^2+b^2) θ=arg(z) tan(θ)=b/a The Attempt at a Solution for a)[/B] finding the polar form: r=sqrt(-3^2+(-4)^2)=sqrt(7) θ=arg(z) tan(θ)=-4/-3 = 53.13 ° 300-53.13=306.87° -3-j4=sqrt(7)*(cos(306.87+j306.87) I don't know if my answer is correct...
  13. javii

    When the truck is at rest, will the crate also be at rest?

    Okay. Thank you very much. And yes there are more parts to the problem, i am trying to solve them now.
  14. javii

    When the truck is at rest, will the crate also be at rest?

    Yes i ment N=mg*cos(10)=1932.19 N (isolating for N) So I don't have to calculate for G_min? Meaning I can skip this part in the calculations?