Recent content by Jatin Kaushal

  1. Jatin Kaushal

    I Derive Pi: An Easy Guide Without Complex Math

    Pi as in how can I find out the actual digits of pi if I never know it. Like how can I find out the ratio of the circle's Circumference to it's diameter
  2. Jatin Kaushal

    I Derive Pi: An Easy Guide Without Complex Math

    I was wondering, how can I derive pi without fancy math (fancy meaning too complex. I'm not taking out calculus or trig or anything, just not too advance concepts). Can anyone help me out?
  3. Jatin Kaushal

    B Why do we put the dot multiplication symbol when integrating

    Ah! Thank you! That really clears it up!
  4. Jatin Kaushal

    B Why do we put the dot multiplication symbol when integrating

    This is I think a really dumb question, but I never got it, why do we have that dot symbol when we integrate. Like in gauss's law, we have ∫E⋅dA . why is that ⋅ there? Thank you for your help