Recent content by JasonB

  1. J

    Alloy composition from component densities (Lagrange Multipliers)

    The KKT Conditions are a bit beyond my current ability level. I chose to follow your advice regarding manipulation of the inequalities. I am currently watching videos on the simplex method for my own understanding. I defined the variables as cubic meters of the three metals: Vg = m3 of...
  2. J

    Alloy composition from component densities (Lagrange Multipliers)

    Ray Vickson, Thank you. I appreciate the feedback. I will dig into your links and let you know what I come to.
  3. J

    Alloy composition from component densities (Lagrange Multipliers)

    Az_Lender, Thank you for responding. Your logic is sound. I guess I assumed the problem was more complicated than it is. In order to minimize gold content, we need to maximize copper content. I came up with two equations: 19320Vg + 8940Vc = 9000 kg Vg + Vc = 0.6313 m3 Solving for Vg...
  4. J

    Alloy composition from component densities (Lagrange Multipliers)

    Homework Statement An alloy of gold, aluminum, and copper has a density of 10,000 kg/m3. The alloy contains at least 10% aluminum and 5% copper by mass. The densities for the three metals are respectively ρAu = 19320 kg/m3, ρAl = 2712 kg/m3, ρCu = 8940 kg/m3. Find the maximum and minimum...