Recent content by jaredogden

  1. J

    Latent Heat of CAS No. 4719-04-4

    I have not, I'm at work doing an internship at an Engineering firm and was asked to find the latent heat of vaporization of the molecule I listed. I know it's an alcohol but not much besides that since I am not too advanced in my Chemistry understanding. I'm not sure if there is some tables...
  2. J

    Latent Heat of CAS No. 4719-04-4

    I'm hoping someone can help me find information on this, I've been searching to no avail for it. I need to know the latent heat of 2, 2', 2" (Hexahydro-1,3,5-triazine-1,3,5-triyl)triethanol CAS No. 4719-04-4 at P = 480 Psig, T = 150°F. Can anyone point me in the right direction for some info...
  3. J

    Understanding Polar Coordinates and the exponential function

    Sorry I forgot the r. I mean how did someone figure out that z=reiθ? Was that realized first so then it led to Euler's formula eiθ = cos(θ)+isin(θ) or was z=reiθ realized from Euler's forumla?
  4. J

    Understanding Polar Coordinates and the exponential function

    I'm reviewing math material for the EIT exam, I'm going over math concepts that should be pretty basic but I feel like there are gaps in my understanding. I understand how we can use rectangular coordinates and complex numbers to find a point on the complex plane. It would follow logically...
  5. J

    Understanding Creep and Creep Rate

    So I'm looking through some material on creep for one of my courses. There is a graph of strain ε vs Time, t. Consisting of Primary creep, steady-state creep, and tertiary creep. I pretty much can follow that and understand why the graph looks the way it does. However there is another...
  6. J

    Determine the mass moment of inertia of a quarter of an annulus

    I've calculated I(bar)AA' = (1/4)[(1/4)(mr22 - (1/2)mr22)] and simplified this to: I(bar)AA' = (1/32)mr22 Then adding that to md2 where d = (1/2)r1 → (1/4)r2 from the parallel axis theorem to get (1/32)mr22 + m(1/4)r22 = (9/32)mr22 The answer given by my professor is (5/16)mr22 Did I make a...
  7. J

    Determine the mass moment of inertia of a quarter of an annulus

    Homework Statement B.1 The quarter ring has mass m and was cut from a thin uniform plate. Knowing that r1 = 1/2r2 determine the mass moment of inertia of the quarter ring with respect to A. axis AA' B. The centroidal axis CC' that is perpendicular to the plane of the quarter ring. CC' is...
  8. J

    Help with Ideal gas equation of state

    Wow that easy huh?.. I feel stupid now. I guess I didn't fully understand how to use the ideal gas law all these years. Thanks a ton
  9. J

    Help with Ideal gas equation of state

    I am reading through my thermodynamics book. Going over a air-standard otto cycle example problem. For reference the example problem is as follows: The temperature at the beginning of the compression process of an air-standard Otto cycle with a compression ratio of 8 is 5408R, the pressure...
  10. J

    Solving Problem 14.18: An Airplane and Helicopter Collision

    Homework Statement The problem I must complete is problem 14.18 14.17 A small airplane of mass 1500 kg and a helicopter of mass 3000 kg flying at an altitude of 1200 m are observed to collide directly above a tower located at O in a wooded area. Four minutes earlier the helicopter had been...
  11. J

    Thermal Resistances: Exploring Heat Transfer Relationships

    So essentially thermal resistance simplifies problems so that for problems such as your example you would only need to know the power dissipated by the transistor, the free stream temperature, and the surface temperature you wish to not exceed? Then it's just referencing tabulated values for...
  12. J

    Thermal Resistances: Exploring Heat Transfer Relationships

    I searched for something relevant and came up short so forgive me if there is already a thread started on this. I am taking a heat transfer class right now and am trying to figure out a few things. My question arose when going over thermal resistances and how it relates to the general...
  13. J

    Calculating Impulsive Force on Baseball Player's Hand

    I just realized in the second time I did the quadratic formula I was using 135 ft/s instead of 132 ft/s. Also used that for the linear momentum.. I'm redoing everything right now.
  14. J

    Calculating Impulsive Force on Baseball Player's Hand

    Ah of course... I'm so stupid. Yeah there is, mass in English units is in slugs not lbs. I should be dividing .3125 lbs by 32.2 ft/s2 I'm closer... but still off by about 6.4 lbs.. I must be forgetting something.. mv1 + Imp1→2 = mv2 (0.3125 lbs/(32.2 ft/s2)) (132 ft/s) + F(0.0185841 s) =...
  15. J

    Calculating Impulsive Force on Baseball Player's Hand

    Oh I put = + 0.5 ft.. in my calculator I did -0.5 ft the answer for t is still the same. I'm obviously missing something in my approach..