Recent content by Jammin_James

  1. J

    In Over My Head - Senior Design

    So I thought it would be fun to try to learn about digital image processing for my senior design. My group decided to make a robot that would find a ball and pick it up into a rack. Well, two people in my group was tasked with figuring out the mechanics or the robot, which they did fine, but I'm...
  2. J

    Unprepared for Internship, Utterly Embarrassed

    Okay, so I'm a little more calm now. I've been wondering how reasonable a task he gave me now. He said it was easy so... eh. He gave me a book for a grad course, according to the book's preface, told me the chapter the spectrograph section was in and gave me the task. I did ask what I would...
  3. J

    Unprepared for Internship, Utterly Embarrassed

    Thanks for the help. I don't think you were harsh at all micromass, thanks! I'm just really worried about the future and it affects my motivation BIG TIME. It just seems that what I've don so far doesn't help me synthesize my knowledge to produce results. I get really discouraged when I get to...
  4. J

    Unprepared for Internship, Utterly Embarrassed

    So I go to this rather pitiful school that maybe graduates 10 students at most from its EE program. It's probably the only Eng school I could graduate from considering I'm far from the brightest or most motivated person either. My horrible education is my own fault really, everyone's education...
  5. J

    Programming PICs in C: Resource Guide

    Hey all! So I recently purchased a PIC16F690 for a project and I've been trying to learn the assembly language for it and it's turning into a somewhat daunting task. I've programmed in assembly before but it was with an ATMEL chip. This was about two years ago, so everything is kinda fuzzy...
  6. J

    Null-to-Null Bandwidth of AM Signal (10ms, 1kHz)

    1. What is the null-to-null bandwidth of an AM signal with a single-tone message whose duration is 10ms and whose frequency is 1kHz? 2. Relevant transforms (sorry, I don't know how to include special formula functions that are on the forum here): x(t)cos(ft) <-> 1/2[X(f+f0)+X(f-f0)] Also the...
  7. J

    No Solution Manuals: How Students Passed Without Them

    I'm assuming the only way to get by without the manuals is to work hard to understand the material while reading the chapters, even if it takes hours. Are there any other tips people have? I had a feeling doing almost nothing but problems was doing me some harm, but I can think of three...
  8. J

    Understanding the Use of Variable Notation in the DTFT

    Can someone explain to me why sometimes I see the DTFT as functions of capital omegas or e^(jomega). I'm failing to see the reason.
  9. J

    No Solution Manuals: How Students Passed Without Them

    So today my teacher was talking about how when he was going to school they just started coming out with solution manuals and answers to selected problems in the back of books. I'm really curious how much harder the math and science programs were when these were not around. Knowing now that those...
  10. J

    Files: Header, Implementation, Test

    Hey all! I've been reading through my book trying to figure all this out for my Data Structures class and I'm typing this out while I take a break from reading the book. I'm looking over the examples from class and my teacher has header, implementation and test files. There is no input...
  11. J

    Exploring College Options: Advice for a Senior Prepharmacy Student

    So I picked up Mathematical Methods by Riley, Hobson and Bence. I'm planning on taking the following classes: -Signals and Systems -Electronics -EMag -Communications I bought Shaum's books as well, to get my feet wet so I'm not completely blind-sided by the material. Before those...
  12. J

    Can I be successful with just a BS degree?

    I lurk this forum and have noticed I'm not nearly as motivated as many of you, lol. It's seems like a lot of people eager to get into grad school are members of 27 clubs and juggling 35 projects all at once. I like learning the material in my major, but I'm really lazy when it comes to doing...
  13. J

    Where Can I Find Free Physics/Math Audio Content for my iPod?

    Hey everyone! I recently bought a iPod nano (yah!) and an itrip (double yah!). For those long trips I was hoping to find some audio files I can listen to. I would also be interested in how to make my own. That's it. Thanks in advance!
  14. J

    Schools Changing Majors Graduating 8 years after High School

    Wow, someone just necroed my thread, lol. Since it's here I might as well update my situation: I worked something out with SUNY Binghamton and should graduate by 2012 at age 25 with a BSEE. From what I hear, Binghamton is okay (I have mixed reviews from different people). I'll have to say...
  15. J

    Why? Why oh why do students have so much trouble in physics

    I don't know if people are being lazy, to be honest. Some people are just raised to believe that if they don't grasp the material the first time they will never understand it. I used to be that way anyways.