Recent content by Jamal26

  1. J

    Coriolis effect and base forces

    Thanks for all of your replies. I have some things to say about them, but I want to generate some diagrams that will take a bit of time first. I want to raise an issue on the question of computational impracticability that D H brings up. There are a lot of references to the concept of the...
  2. J

    Coriolis effect and base forces

    I didn't dismiss anything. Maybe you can explain a little more. For instance what are the 2 frames, and how do they contribute to actual physical aggregation & rotation of atmospheric molecules?
  3. J

    Coriolis effect and base forces

    I wonder if anybody can point me to a good explication of the atmospheric Coriolis effect broken down into base forces. Most of the explanations I've seen are problematic, even flawed as far as I can tell, and they rarely talk about force vectors. I've seen demonstrations, for instance a...
  4. J

    Why complex discrete Fourier transform?

    I've been trying to figure out why it's standard to use complex discrete Fourier transforms instead of just the real version. It's discussed a bit here. As far as I can tell there's a hypothetical efficiency...