Recent content by jam.muskopf

  1. J

    Perceiving near c speeds from a great distance

    When we look at stars that are far away from earth, they appear to be still in the sky. However, these stars are probably moving at very high velocities relative to earth; we are just so far away that they appear to be still. What if there was a star that was very, very far away, but it was...
  2. J

    What makes physics so fascinating and appealing?

    I love physics because babes dig physicists.
  3. J

    Can the Universe's Path be Definitively Determined?

    Assuming we could understand all the laws of physics and understand all forces that exist in our universe, does the universe have a definite path? Could we theoretically calculate the result of all the properties of the universe to determine exactly how everything in the universe would behave...
  4. J

    Twin Paradox Explanation Needed

    Alright, thanks guys that is very helpful. I'm a senior in high school, in my first year of calculus. Any suggestions of reading I can do on my own that would be mathematically understandable at my level? Thanks
  5. J

    Twin Paradox Explanation Needed

    WAHOOO! Feels good to finally understand the paradox! THANKS A TON MAN!
  6. J

    Twin Paradox Explanation Needed

    so when the twin is in a non-inertial frame, does he perceive the Earth time to be passing faster than his own time?
  7. J

    Twin Paradox Explanation Needed

    So in the twin paradox, the traveling twin ages less in the end. According to time dilation, each twin sees time passing in the other twin's frame of reference slower than his own. However, if the twin on Earth is ultimately older, doesn't time have to appear to be moving faster for the twin...
  8. J

    Needing a basic clarification with SR

    These equations on velocity addition are based off time dilation, correct?
  9. J

    Needing a basic clarification with SR

    I am new to understanding the concepts in SR and GR, and one of the main concepts i am having difficulty with is the speed limit. I don't understand why things can't already be moving at the speed of light in certain frames of reference. For instance, from the Earth's frame of reference, isn't...