Recent content by jal

  1. jal

    B S5-HVS1: 10x Slower Relative Time?

    Summary: S5-HVS1 travel time If S5-HVS1 is going 10 times faster than the rest of the stars of the milky way, does that mean that time is going slower than us? How much slower is time going, 10 times?
  2. jal

    I Is spacetime emergent - and in which theories?

    " ...a notion of spacetime continuum emerging from discrete substructure." Reading from the above following references I get a question. Gravity at Planck scale Lectures on Gravity and Entanglement Mark Van Raamsdonk Abstract The AdS/CFT correspondence provides quantum theories of gravity...
  3. jal

    I Is spacetime emergent - and in which theories?

    You raise contentious points. emergence, singularity, and infinity Do you have space-time in your "point of view"? ps I'm only an amateur looking at what the experts are saying.
  4. jal

    I Is spacetime emergent - and in which theories?

    The Big Bang created the 3 dimensions of space plus the dimension of time and all the particles.. Space can be bent. The maximum that it can bend is a bubble. Before the big bang, there were space-time bubbles packed together in the cosmo. The universe did not exist before the big bang. If...
  5. jal

    Extremely large Black Hole discovered 900M years after BB

    Does the universe expand at the speed of light and speed of gravity? If yes, then we would have never seen those black holes. Those black hole are therefore, within our horizon and still growing. You should be able to see even bigger black hole that are closer to the present time.
  6. jal

    Extremely large Black Hole discovered 900M years after BB

    900M years after BB Such a big black hole would have been growing and still be growing. Is it? Where is it after 14 B years?
  7. jal

    How many gluons are there in a proton?

    I can think of one or maybe up to 4 gluons that are in the make up of protons. The most influential is the one that gives the mass to the proton. The others 3 gluons are inside and give mass to the quarks. hint .. hint ... They call it the Higgs. The search is ongoing to identify the gluons...
  8. jal

    How many gluons are there in a proton?

    Contrary to your statement, there are an awful lot of people trying to find out what is in a proton. jal
  9. jal

    How many gluons are there in a proton?

    I want to put in some links so that this discussion might be easier to follow by the amateurs. (The following link contains more info than what I can assimilate.) ) The term parton is often used to mean "a quark or a gluon"...
  10. jal

    How many gluons are there in a proton?

    Doing a search has given me a lot of theoretical papers but no answers. Gluon density of a proton does appear to be an important piece of information. RECENT MEASUREMENTS OF THE PROTON STRUCTURE FUNCTIONS AT HERA ∗ A. Glazov...
  11. jal

    How many gluons are there in a proton?

    How many gluons are there in a proton? Protons are spin-½ fermions and are composed of three quarks,[3] making them baryons (a sub-type of hadrons). The two up quarks and one...
  12. jal

    Observation of Spin Flips with a Single Trapped Proton Flipping spins, one proton at a time --- Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 253001 (2011) [4 pages] Observation of Spin Flips with a Single Trapped Proton --- Observation...
  13. jal

    Does the Higgs field explain anything or go in circles?

    I cannot find anything that is not dynamic. Is geometry bosonic or fermionic? Taylor L. Hughes, Andrew Randono (Submitted on 20 May 2011) It is generally assumed that the gravitational field is bosonic. Here we show that a simple propagating torsional...
  14. jal

    Dark matter energy loss mechanisms

    I could not find anything. So instead I tried to find out “How is light made?”. See my blog. “How is light made?” jal
  15. jal

    Why using quantum group SUq(2) instead of SU(2) makes sense? Okayyyy! So, now, who can argue ... why this scale cannot be at 10^-18m?