Recent content by jakepeck

  1. J

    Localizing an electron problem ()

    I think it sounds pretty reasonable, as Ann Arbor is decently sized. 94 seconds sounds about right.
  2. J

    Localizing an electron problem ()

    ahahha oops okay... now after plugging everything in the same way but with the new wavelength... v >= 99.79 m/s which leads me to t = 94.56 seconds Did I finally make it?
  3. J

    Localizing an electron problem ()

    I thought there was 1,000,000 nm in a meter? 580 nm X 1 meter / 1,000,000 nm = 5.8 x 10^(-4) m
  4. J

    Localizing an electron problem ()

    ok this time I did 5.8 x 10^(-4)(9.109 x 10^(-31))v >= hbar which lead me to v >= 9.975 x 10^(-24) plugged into D = rt 9436.4 m = (9.975 x 10^(-24))t t= 9.46 x10^(26) s And yes, this is my professor at University of Michigan, a weird dude.
  5. J

    Localizing an electron problem ()

    I used the distance of ann arbor... But I guess I am supposed to use the wavelength of the light in this case? 580 nm for yellow light?
  6. J

    Localizing an electron problem ()

    Alright, I used deltaXdeltaP >= hbar/2 and brought it down to 9436.4 meters(9.109x10^(-31)kg)v>=hbar/2 which gave me v >= 6.134 x 10^(-9) m/s so i plugged that back into D = rt 9436.4 = (6.134x10^(-9))t t = 1.54 x 10^12 seconds Is this right?
  7. J

    Localizing an electron problem ()

    Am I supposed to use deltaXdeltaP = h ? What equation am I supposed to use? I see a lot of different equations for this.
  8. J

    Localizing an electron problem ()

    Homework Statement Suppose I use visible (say yellow) light to observe an electron. Roughly speaking, I will then be able to localize the electron to a region about the size of the wavelength of the light. According to the uncertainty principle, I am now limited as to how well I know...
  9. J

    Aether wind vs Einsteins 2nd postulate

    I outlined what I expected I would see in the OP, I'm just not sure if its completely right or I'm leaving something out. I don't think the light would return because the inner surface is DIFFUSELY reflective, therefore the light would scatter upon hitting the outside of the inner surface. Any...
  10. J

    Aether wind vs Einsteins 2nd postulate

    Homework Statement Imagine yourself seated at the center of a spherical shell of radius 3 X 10^8 meters the inner surface being diffusely reflecting. A source at the center of the sphere emits a sharp pulse of light, which travels outward through the darkness with uniform intensity in all...