Recent content by jaiii

  1. J

    Electricity in a Vacuum: Investigating 1e9 Voltage

    Fain. One can break through vacuum, and what conditions must be fulfilled in doing?
  2. J

    Electricity in a Vacuum: Investigating 1e9 Voltage

    All right. But it may happen that the vacuum breaks. And the gap will be trips charged particles?
  3. J

    Electricity in a Vacuum: Investigating 1e9 Voltage

    Good day. What happens if a vacuum to put two electrodes, 1 cm apart, and electrical voltage in 1e9? Thank you.
  4. J

    Exploring Casimir Effect between Bolt Threads of 10nm Distance

    Hi. Will operate Casimir effect between the bolt threads? The distance between the threads is 10 nm. Thank By.
  5. J

    Where does Space time come from?

    Hi. What is spacetime? Where does it come from? It is a kind of matter, energy ...? Has power? Reacts with something in the neighborhood? How is curving? When the curving with the electromagnetic field why does not respond to his sign? Thank you.
  6. J

    Dynamic Casimir Effect: Questions Answered

    Good day. I want to ask for such a thing: If I put in a vacuum photon pulsed laser with a wavelength of 10 nm and against Casimir cavity of two metal plates with a gap of 10 nm. From the laser pulse will shoot photons in the cavity. Occurs dynamic Casimir effect? Thank you. Goodbye.
  7. J

    Manipulating Space-Time with Lasers

    "lame" I mean curvature of spacetime. I am sorry but this text translate Google from Slovak languige.
  8. J

    Manipulating Space-Time with Lasers

    Spinning disk Thank you for your reply but I have another question How lame space time around a rotating metal disk? Thank you.
  9. J

    Manipulating Space-Time with Lasers

    How to change the curvature of space-time around a very powerful laser beam?
  10. J

    Can Warp Drive Exceed the Speed of Light?

    But scientists acknowledge that warp drive is In line with scientific knowledge and also exceeds the speed of light.
  11. J

    Improving the accuracy of a Java simulation of n-orbital bodies

    Could you please send me this simulator as PM or attachment, or by e-mail. Thank you very much.
  12. J

    N-body problem simulation and relativity

    Can you send me this asimulator as PM or attachment pleasse. Thank.
  13. J

    Can Warp Drive Exceed the Speed of Light?

    Hi, I would like to ask for such a theoretical case: spacecraft moves in space and time and should be curved spacetime around the ship but is produced by gravity, which would compensate for the curvature to zero and light and gravitational waves would have curved around the ship...
  14. J

    Exploring the Best London Moments: Share Your Thoughts!

    IF this gravitomagnetic London moment is again rule of this forum I must unsubscribe from this forum . This motor is " spacecraft propulsion" from your article anti-gravity-Wiky... fro your article. But this is your article an your opinion.I don't send any article abot anti-gravity. BY.