Recent content by jae1227

  1. J

    Nuclear Engineering: PhD & Job Prospects

    I'm an undergrad nuclear engineering student and I can say that the job prospects for me are good. However I've talked to my advisor before and he told me that people with PhDs in physics have come to the department to get a nuclear engineering degree because they where unable to find a job.
  2. J

    Is my U-238 Decay Chain Program Accurate After 4.468 Billion Years?

    I wrote a program to find the percent of each element in the decay chain for U238 after a certain amount of time. I used the Bateman equations for serial decay chain below: N_n(t)= \frac{N_1(t)}{\lambda_n } \sum_{i=0}^n \lambda_i \alpha_i \exp({-\lambda_i t}) \alpha_i=\prod_{\substack{j=1 \\...
  3. J

    Is There Hope for My GPA After a Rough First Year?

    I think you are fine. I was in the same situation as you. I failed 2 critical classes for my degree. You need to do good in the rest of your classes especially your junior and senior classes. If you gets mostly As and some Bs in your junior and senior classes that really shows that you...
  4. J

    How much nuclear fuel is in a nuclear sub?

    I know that subs use highly enriched uranium opposed to what power plants use.
  5. J

    Wind & Solar: A Renewable Energy Future?

    Regarding loans you need to fill out the FAFSA form online. From that they tell you how much you can receive in aid. For my case I am unemployed and still get federal student loans.
  6. J

    Can I successfully balance engineering and pre-med classes?

    Regarding an engineering minor I don't think you having a minor in engineering you would really get too much. So much of engineering is those first 2 years of prerequisite, Calc 1,2,3, DiffEqu, Chem 1 & 2, Physics 1 & 2. After that you could take Statics or Circuits or Thermodynamics, etc. If...
  7. J

    Switching from engineering to physics

    I don't think it matter because it depends on the school you are going to be transferring to. They don't care if your degree say AA w/ Engineering or AA w/ Physics, they just want to to take the classes you need. For me when I got my AA it did not mater if I a going to be a physics major or...