Recent content by jackmiller2003

  1. jackmiller2003

    I Time Delay Information Transfer with Entangled Particles

    Thanks for everyone's replies, very helpful. Although I had understood the idea that measurement results in a random outcome, I had forgotten that both observers needed to make a measurement of the particle in order to see its result. My original thought experiment assumed that measurement on...
  2. jackmiller2003

    I Time Delay Information Transfer with Entangled Particles

    Even if the timing of the measurements are encoded? For example, if you have two particles which are entangled based on Z-spin, wouldn't the measurement of one result in the opposite result in the other? P.S: I'm not trying to be at all combative, just trying to work out my misconceptions :)
  3. jackmiller2003

    I Time Delay Information Transfer with Entangled Particles

    Oh so the influence of measurement on one side can only be determined by measurement on the other side? Is it correct to say that if observer A has collapsed the wave function, observer B still believes there is a wave function because they haven't measured it?
  4. jackmiller2003

    I Time Delay Information Transfer with Entangled Particles

    Hello, my name is Jack and I'm a year 11 student in Australia. After listening to, and reading some information regarding quantum entanglement, I'm still a little unsure about the solution to a thought experiment: Let's say that I create a situation in which multiple pairs of particles are...