Recent content by jackle

  1. J

    Is speaking in tongues falsifiable?

    Hi Jase, I thought this thread had gone dead. How do you think tongues can be tested?
  2. J

    Is speaking in tongues falsifiable?

    What are they?
  3. J

    Is speaking in tongues falsifiable?

    Thanks for the link, I'll take a look
  4. J

    Is speaking in tongues falsifiable?

    I think that to proceed in this direction properly, we would need to prove that a given tongue speaker had not learned their "language" by natural means. I don't think this can easily be done, I mean could you prove to me that you had not learned to speak Chinese by taking lessons? To be a fair...
  5. J

    Is speaking in tongues falsifiable?

    Hi, There are a lot of religious practitioners who believe they can speak in other languages without learning them. The drawback is that they are also unable to understand what they are saying. I can identify some initial barriers to disproving this as follows: 1) Different beliefs are...
  6. J

    Electron Survival Theory at 0K: Explained

    Electron survival As I recall, particles like electrons always survive unless there is a suitable reaction they can undergo that allows them to disappear. This limits their options. Getting rid of their energy is just one problem they have. Energy and momentum have to be conserved...
  7. J

    Why there isn't missing information in QM

    Why there isn't "missing information" in QM First of all, can I ask you to be a little patient, because my years of performing quantum calculations are well and truly over. I write computer software for an insurance company now! I have noticed that every so often, a member of the public who...
  8. J

    Novice question about heat, ZPE and HUP

    You guessed right. Sorry for being lazy, I have tried to put it right by editing the original post.
  9. J

    Novice question about heat, ZPE and HUP

    Hi, I was watching a pop-sci TV program on heat recently. Specifically, it was about trying to reach the lowest temperature possible. I was trying to recall something I learned about the uncertainty principle being a barrier to reaching absolute zero. When I searched on the internet I got...
  10. J

    Level of enforced secrecy in nuclear physics

    Thanks Morbius. This is probably everything I wanted to know.:smile:
  11. J

    Level of enforced secrecy in nuclear physics

    This poll is purely to satisfy my curiousity "enforced secrecy" in this context means a legal obligation not to share information, such as having to sign an agreement. Which best describes your situation a) I never studied nuclear phyics b) I studied nuclear physics during a degree...
  12. J

    Every event occurs as a consequence of some previous event

    Do you still take philosophers seriously after they mention free will?
  13. J

    Awareness is a biological function

    If you believe in an afterlife, a definition of awareness beyond biology seems essential. If we declare that only biological life can be aware, we seem to be declaring that there is no afterlife. I'm not at all convinced that machines can be conscious, or that everything is conscious in some...
  14. J

    Awareness is a biological function

    True I disagree that chemicals have had a longer time to evolve than life. Chemicals don't evolve because survival of the fittest requires reproduction before it can operate. Chemicals only evolve in the sense that they change with time. I'd like to ask some questions that will help me...
  15. J

    Awareness is a biological function

    None of the quoted definitions you gave in your initial post exclude AI except the one from biological psychology, which mentions animals. If Functionalism turns out to be correct, I do not see why an AI can not satisfy those definitions in principle. Functionalism...