Recent content by jackattack825

  1. jackattack825

    Normal force between stacked boxes

    ah i got it now F(normal) -F(gravity) =ma F(normal) - 9.8*2 = 2*2.5 F(normal) = 5+19.6 = 24.6N
  2. jackattack825

    Normal force between stacked boxes

    So you are saying: F(normal) - F(gravity) = ma , F(normal) - 9.8= 2 * 2.5 , F(normal)= 5+9.8= 14.8N
  3. jackattack825

    Normal force between stacked boxes

    thanks for the speedy response the free body diagram for the top box would just be gravity pulling down and a normal force from the other box pushing up, correct? EDIT: based on that logic, I got F(normal)= m(g+a) or 2(-9.8+2.5)= 14.6N
  4. jackattack825

    Normal force between stacked boxes

    Σ F= -F(gravity from earth) + F(normal from earth) -F(normal from top box) +F(normal from bottom box) = (2+5) * 2.5 The forces from gravity and it's normal force cancel out, leaving us with the normal forces from the boxes. F(net of normal from boxes) = (2+5) * 2.5 = 17.5N