Recent content by J_o_S

  1. J

    Equations for projectile motion

    Hi I'm having trouble figuring this one out..based on an angular momentum lab. In the lab we had a turntable with a ball on it, when the ball was released, the intial velocity could be calculated using the formula v=d(g/2h)^{1/2} I need to be able to derive the same formula...
  2. J

    Seperating metals in a solution

    anyone? I'm pretty sure I'm rigght.. but just want to make sure. thanks
  3. J

    Seperating metals in a solution

    A solution is found to have varying quantities of silver, barium and iron (III) ions. Suggest a procedure for seperating the ions by precipitation. Ok ...silver is +1, barium is +2, and iron (III) is +3... so I would have to add anions of the same value (but negative) to the solution in...
  4. J

    Review My Work: Arranging Atoms & Ions by Radius

    oops. Sorry about that, I should read better before posting.. I understand it now
  5. J

    Quick Check: Balancing Chemical Reactions

    Hi, I'm pretty sure I have the idea here. but can i just get a "looks good" from someone? :smile: Write and balance equations for the following reactions: a) zinc sulphate + barium nitrate → ZnSO4 + Ba(NO3)2 --> Zn(NO3)2 + BaSO4 b) gold (III) sulphate + barium chloride →...
  6. J

    Exploring the Quantization of Energy in the Photoelectric Effect"

    Its an answer that I'm not 100% sure of. was asked to show experimental results that require the emission of energy is quantized. The photoelectric effect is an example. In the photoelectric effect, energy bundles (photons) are abserved to have a definite size (quantized).
  7. J

    Elemental Chemistry: The Significance of Atomic Mass and Atomic Number

    which is more important to the chemical behaviour of an element? cant seem to find this anwhere
  8. J

    When balancing chemical equations

    why can't the chemical formulas be altered? I was asked this question, and my answer was because if you alter the formulas you're dealing with totally different chemicals, and therefore a different equation. Seems like such a simple question, but its surrounded by harder ones which makes...
  9. J

    Which Formula Calculates Gravity's Force on a Block on a Ramp?

    yes that is exactly how it is phrased. and that is the answer I went with, just wanted to make sure
  10. J

    Which Formula Calculates Gravity's Force on a Block on a Ramp?

    What is the force of gravity acting on the block? are they asking for a) F = mg or b) F = mgsin(theta) thanks
  11. J

    Calculating Time and Velocity of a Ball on a Ramp - Confirming Understanding"

    can i just get someone to confirm this? just want to make sure I'm understanding this correctly. A ball is rolled up a ramp. The initial velocity and the acceleration down the ramp due to gravity is given. Vi = 10 m/s a = 2 m/s -------------------------------------------------...
  12. J

    A planet with mass m, and radius r .

    sorry, just want to make sure we're clear here. I think there might be a misunderstanding. Lets call the planet: "Planet X" I am given the mass and radius of Planet X. I want to find out the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Planet X. Now I thought I was supposed to use...
  13. J

    What Units Should Acceleration Be Measured In?

    yeah if I was taking down the data I would. This is just a question on an assignment, where the graph is given. Its an easy question, but after I did it the answer just doesn't look right to me, so I figured I'd ask. acceleration has been in m/s^2 everytime I have come across it.