Recent content by j-lee00

  1. J

    Calculating total price using kilo watt hours?

    What is the cost for 1 hr? Current = 1 A Voltage = 25 000 V Kilowatt hour = £0.10 KWhr
  2. J

    How Do You Solve Simultaneous Equations for Revision?

    I would put my working but I am slow in writing latex and my exam is tomorrow, thanks for the help anyway
  3. J

    How Do You Solve Simultaneous Equations for Revision?

    Homework Statement Question is in the attachment, this is for revision not homework
  4. J

    Solving Gamma Function Homework: Get Help Now

    Homework Statement In attachment The Attempt at a Solution I can't see the link in the steps, a little help pls.
  5. J

    Mastering Laurent Series Expansion: A Layman's Guide

    What you wrote clarified my problem. tks
  6. J

    Mastering Laurent Series Expansion: A Layman's Guide

    Are the negative powers of the Laurent expansion only as big as the largest pole?
  7. J

    Calculating Copper Cu Charge Density

    To convert atomic mass to kg, I do 63.5 x 1.66^10-27 = 1.0541 x 10^-25kg Then 8920 kgm^-3 / 1.0541 x 10^-25kg = 8.462195238 x10^28m^-3 but it should be around 10^9 says wikepedia?
  8. J

    Mastering Laurent Series Expansion: A Layman's Guide

    Thanks for your help. With the expansion that you made, how does this differ to the taylor expansion? or it the same?
  9. J

    Mastering Laurent Series Expansion: A Layman's Guide

    Homework Statement In attachment The Attempt at a Solution I break into partial fractions, then get stuck. Please help me in layman terms f(z) = -1/3[3(z+1)] + 4/3[z+4] Now I am stuck.
  10. J

    Calculating Copper Cu Charge Density

    number of electrons per unit volume
  11. J

    Calculating Copper Cu Charge Density

    How do I work out the charge density of Copper Cu, if atomic mass =63.5 Density = 8920 kgm^-3 Assume 1 electron per cu atom.