Recent content by IWillBarelyUseThis

  1. IWillBarelyUseThis

    Solving for Displacement: 9.8m or 36m?

    Yeah, that was what I figured, but the issue was with the improper grammar of the question. It DOES specifically say "The girl reaches her maximum speed of 7.0m/s as she catches the robber", but that obviously can't be true for the intended answer to the question. I think I have a better idea of...
  2. IWillBarelyUseThis

    Solving for Displacement: 9.8m or 36m?

    I would also like to clarify, yes I know the answer I got is incredibly small to make any sense, but it was spat out of an equation that makes sense in the context, so I didn't question it too much. Also I'm a bit rusty of physics, since It's been over a year and a few months since I've had to...
  3. IWillBarelyUseThis

    Solving for Displacement: 9.8m or 36m?

    So the equation I had used made sense to me because through the wording of the question, since we have an initial velocity of 0m/s, and an acceleration of 2.5m/(s^2), and it was implied in the question that she caught the robber at the exact same time as she reached her maximum velocity, and...